One of our client has files shares hosted on NetApp and they have SharePoint 2013 environment. We configured SharePoint 2013 search crawls to crawl the files shares that are hosted on NetApp. But the crawl is showing the following error:
"The crawl account did not have sufficient privileges to access the security attributes of this file or folder. Ensure the crawl account has the "Manage auditing and security log" privilege.
We have provided Read and Execute permissions to the search crawl account on the Files Shares. Microsoft has provided this https://support.microsoft.com/en-in/kb/2817731 solution to resolve the above error, but the solution is for Windows Server files shares, not for NetApp.
So my question is what are the steps to be taken on NetApp Files Shares to resolve the above error? How we can provide "Manage auditing and security log" privilege to a user from NetApp?