Network and Storage Protocols
Network and Storage Protocols
I'm trying to run this command: robocopy /mir /sec "\\pr-share\G$\GDrive" \\pr-na-3210-a\Company_Share" and essentially get random "access is denied waiting 30 seconds, ERROR 5 (0x00000005)". I want to mirror the source ( NTFS) to destination (CIFS) so that I can properly cut this over. What command can I run that will secure permissions as well as not give me this error and others.
Do you see this error a some particular files or entire directory?
- Are you running this with Administrator privileges ?
- If you see this on particular files, check the ownership on them.
- I'm running with Administrative credentials
- some files and folders, and I'm having to take ownership of them in order to proceed. But isn't there any addition to the command I'm using that would just copy them?
use the snapmirror or ndmpcopy that would resolve your problem.
thank you,
so AGUMADAVALLI I'm trying to take an existing nfts shared and mapped drive and move it to my cifs share. How in the world would this work?
Don't use /MIR and /SEC together. Use only /MIR.
Well, you can use long path tool for such issues...