Network and Storage Protocols

Unable to save Autodesk dwg files to share


Our users are unable to save .dwg files or edit existing .dwg files and then save them to our NetApp FAS 2750. I am brand new to the NetApp world, but I did manage to check the fpolicy and it says policy is empty, so I don't think there any policies preventing the .dwg files or tmp files from being saved.. From what I can tell users were able to save .dwg files just fine until recently (maybe last couple months). 

Basically, when the user opens Autodesk Inventor, creates a brand new .dwg file that may or may not contain any actual components and goes to "Save As" and selects one of our network share drives, names the file, and clicks save you can see in the shared folder it creates the file by adding .tmp to the file but Inventor actually throws up the error "The database in [filepath] could not be saved". Now the .tmp files have a file size of 150kb but the actual dwg file fails to save and says 0 KB in size. When the user closes Inventor the .tmp file disappears but the actual file that Inventor says was unable to save is saved to the location but it's 0 KB and won't actually open.

The user can save the .dwg files to their C: drive on their local PC and then copy them over to the shared drive just fine, but they are unable to directly save to the network drives.

Our users are able to save other Autodesk files such as .ipt, .iam and .idw files to the network shared drives just fine with no issue.

When they open an existing .dwg file from the same shared drive and make changes to the file and save it, it overwrites the file with a 0 kb file of the same name which deletes all the information in that drawing causing hours of lost work.



That's kinda odd, that's for sure? 


Have you opened a case, or done packet captures from either ONTAP or client?  


Otherwise, there's a few things over at.the Autodesk community you might want to look over if you haven't already -

