I have done it. The real trick is to get the symlinks and the translation table right.
Of course you start by enabling widelinks on the source share.
netapp> cifs shares -change vol1 -widelink
It should look like this in cifs shares:
vol1 /vol/data_vol1
... widelinks supported
everyone / Full Control
Then you create a symlink with a pattern that can be matched by the controller. Note: This path need not (and probably won't be) real. Here's my example
lrwxrwxrwx 1 adamfox adamfox 18 2010-02-24 11:58 widelink -> /use/this/widelink
Then you have to create an entry in /etc/symlink.translations (note: the file may not exist by default) that describes the link you want. Here's my example:
Widelink /use/this/widelink/* \\cosmo.rtpse.netapp.com\test
Now when I attach via cifs to the source (\\mojito.rtpse.netapp.com\vol1 in this case) I see a folder called "widelink". If it shows up as a folder (since CIFS clients wouldn't know what to do with a symlink anyway), that's a good sign that it will work. When I click on it, it passes me over to the "test" share on cosmo. In this case, it's a NetApp controller, but it need not be since 'mojito' is just sending a DFS redirect to the client when it hits my link.
Of course I am assuming good permissions on the destination side.
This is a small example, but I think it shows how it really works. The key is to come up with a pattern in the path of the link that can be matched by the symlink translator.