Network and Storage Protocols
Network and Storage Protocols
I am unable to connect a windows 10 enterprise client to our cifs shares
We use DFS on our windows server – so normally I would just map to the root of that \\domain\home
I have tried adding the reg key as detailed here and elsewhere without success
Typically I normally disable SMB signing on windows 8/server 2012 clients but SMB signing negotiation seems to be optional now, and the reg key I would create gets rejected by windows 10
I do not want to start making wide ranging changes to my netapp, but if it improves security I am happy to do so
The client is domain joined, and I have an account which is both local admin and domain admin running on it for testing
Any advice greatly received – this is a tad inconvenient
Solved! See The Solution
genius - works great and no netapp changes
top marks, and thanks for replying
Andrew -
Welcome to the NetApp Community, and to the bleeding edge with Windows 10.
I'm just updating my forst host to Win 10 right at this moment, so I can't re-create this in my lab yet.
Will do my best to try and duplicate the issue you're having.
Can you give us all a bit more detail - 7-Mode or Cluster, and version of Data ONTAP ?
Quickest advice I can give you - Have you opened a ticket with NetApp support on this issue yet ?
I hope this response has been helpful to you.
At your service,
Eugene E. Kashpureff, Sr.
Independent NetApp Consultant
Senior NetApp Instructor, IT Learning Solutions
(P.S. I appreciate 'kudos' on any helpful posts.)
Hi Eugene
Thanks for reply
We are 8.1.1 RC 7 mode
Good luck with your install
I would open this with support, which I will do on Tuesday but thought it was a good one to air and share
My main thing is to minimise or make sure I make the right change to the netapp
Thanks in advance for any insight you can share
Hi andrew_s,
Did you manage to resolve this issue?
I have a simular problem with a Windows 10 user.
No I didn’t get this resolved
Here is what I learnt
Netapp don’t yet support win10 (hey it’s only been around 12 months in beta, you have to give these guys time)
You can’t cripple the SMB3 requirement in win 10, like you can in win8 and server 2012 – that I think is the core issue – the reg value is explicitly rejected by win 10, the reg value I am talking about is below – you can create any other value in that key, for example ‘bacon’ and set it to a value of 1, but not requiresecurenegotiate it gets rejected
Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanWorkstation\Parameters" RequireSecureNegotiate -Value 0 –Force
I have posted on windows insider to say hey, thanks guys but give us a choice please
I ultimately due to commercial pressure, downgraded the client, something I was not happy about as I hate reversing progress, but have kept a test client on to get to the bottom of it
Options are
to upgrade our netapp, to the latest and greatest to support smb 3 globally (no bad thing but a significant task)
Wait for something from MS to allow disabling the SMB 3 requirement
After some more personal digging around (my support ticket was getting nowhere fast) I have managed to successfully browse CIFS shares on my snapmirror filer at our DC.
To do this I had to enable cifs signing and bounce the cifs service.
FILER> cifs terminate
CIFS local server is shutting down...
CIFS local server has shut down...
FILER> options cifs.signing.enable on
FILER> cifs restart
CIFS local server is running.
Can't set cifs branchcache server secret.
This filer is running 8.1.4P1 7-Mode
This weekend we have a full power shutdown at our production site so I will try this on power up. It's so hard to get the users to close down their connections!!!!
One thing I did notice though. The filer does not show the W10 client using security signatures - output from cifs sessions -t
Using domain authentication. Domain type is Windows 2000.
Root volume language is not set. Use vol lang.
Number of WINS servers: 0
Total CIFS sessions: 1
CIFS open shares: 1
CIFS open files: 0
CIFS locks: 3
CIFS credentials: 1
IPv4 CIFS sessions: 1
IPv6 CIFS sessions: 0
Cumulative IPv4 CIFS sessions: 26383
Cumulative IPv6 CIFS sessions: 0
CIFS sessions using security signatures: 0
Will post results from production environment after the weekend
Damit geht es mit einer 8.1 7-Mode:
Just tested this on my W10 VM and it works connecting to CIFS on 8.1P1 7Mode.
You are a star, thank you.
genius - works great and no netapp changes
top marks, and thanks for replying
Thanks you sir! The perfect one off fix!
Pour rendre accesible votre vfiler CIFS sur declient windows 10
Il faut ouvrire un power shell en mode administrateur puis rentrez la ligne suivante :
Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanWorkstation\Parameters" RequireSecureNegotiate -Value 0 –Force
Puis dans la base de registre, dans :
"EnablePlainTextPassword"=dword:00000000 "EnableSecuritySignature"=dword:00000001 "RequireSecuritySignature"=dword:00000001 "ServiceDllUnloadOnStop"=dword:00000001
it works ! Thanks everybody
Note: This a bug in the OnTap 7.37P3 Version.
RequireSecuritySignature is not required to be On or 00000001 in OnTap 8.1.2 7-Mode
With the above on, you cut your speed in 1/2 when writing to the Netapp.
Because Version 7 is no longer supported, Netapp has no desire to fix it. If you are still using the older Filers, namely the FAS2020's, you'll see this problem.
Having said that, Netapp is still the best!!!!!!!!!!!
We are running into this with Windows 10 and 8.3.2P6 CIFS Setup. The powershell command for Windows 10 secure negotation no longer works in Windows 10. All our computers are running ver 1511. We did turn on SMB signing on the Netapp CIFS SVM. We also tried all of the registry settings mentioned earlier.
same problem here , did you manage to solve the problem ?
seems to work here with cifs.audit.enable on
Hi, by turning signing on my throughput has gone from 84mb/s to 30mb/s on seq read and from 101mb/s to 28mb/s on my filiers. This is not acceptable.
This happens with the older FAS2020 filers we have on7.3.7P. On our newer filers, it works without signing.
Has anyone gotten it to work without signing?