Network and Storage Protocols
Network and Storage Protocols
I have shared out an NFS share as /vol/NFStest and then set the access to be 'root access granted to all hosts'. Then I'm on my Windows 7 machine and I've mounted the share as a drive but when I click on it I get 'access denied'. How can I setup the access for this share so that I can get to it myself from my machine and create a folder there?
Most likely you need to setup user mapping from Windows user on your machine to Unix user on NetApp. I am not familiar with Windows NFS implementation so I do not know how to do it.
wlandymore: It seems more like you have file level permissions issue rather than mapping, although you'll want to look and see who your (Windows) user is being mapped to by running wcc -l <username>.
Anyways, what security is the volume/qtree you're trying to access - unix or NTFS? You'll want to ensure that the permissions on the resource you're exporting allow for that specific Windows user to access it. If unix security, you'll need to view/edit from nfs client, if windows you'll need a windows or Samba client.
I just need to set the permissions on the NFS share on the netapp I think, but I don't know how to do that. When I open it on the Netapp filer I've tried Unix, NTFS....anything. but I can't seem to set any permissions so I can browse the NFS share and create folders there
If the qtree is unix, you'll need to mount it as root from a client that has access to change permissions. From a unix client, mount is as root and then use chmod to change permissions. You could also try "Secure Share Access" from the toolchest on NOW and you'll be able to do it from Windows, although I'm not sure whether it's supported or works with more modern Windows versions.
If your qtree is indeed NTFS, then you should be able to change permissions from any Windows client. You'll want to keep in mind to set permissions appropriately so that both clients can access.
I can't even mount it from a Linux box. When I try it pops up with "password", but there is no username on this. Also, they were mixed permissions on the Qtree.
This might be what it is....
Okay, I got this to work from a Linux box by switching the permissions to Unix on both the NFS share (security tab) and then also on the Qtree. However, I still can't get it to work from Windows machines. Even with the stuff set to NTFS it doesn't seem to work. I got one step closer by using the link above because then I could double click on the mount and open it, but it wouldn't display the folders and I didn't have the authority to create new ones either.