ONTAP Discussions
ONTAP Discussions
i installaed the current 8.2RC1 C-Mode Simulator on my ESX host, but the VM's stopps working after a while. This time i got this error messages in the vmware.log of the VM:
MONITOR PANIC: vcpu-1:NOT_IMPLEMENTED devices/vide/iovmk/videVMK-vmkio.c:1492
Core dump with build build-1117900
VMware ESX unrecoverable error: (vcpu-1)
At the last times the VM dosn't panic, i got a text inside the console secreen, something with LBA:123456 and then the VM freezes, it can be only stopped by killing the task on the service console on the esx host.
Is there something i can do?
Kind regsrds
Now i installed the release of 8.2 and got the same issue:
MONITOR PANIC: vcpu-0:NOT_IMPLEMENTED devices/vide/iovmk/videVMK-vmkio.c:1492
I have done nothing, i zeroed the disks and started the configuration wizzard, after selecting to use the defaults for the cluster network i take a longer phone call, when i came back the VM was crashed...
Do you have get a Solution for this Problem?
If not try importing the VM into your vSphere environment using the VMware Converter.
Thanks for your answer. Our Problem is, that the VM is running. This mean we have execute the step explained in the KB Article(vmkload_mod multiextend, Storage Vmotion etc).
We work the hold day with this VM and every Night following error Occurs (MONITOR PANIC: vcpu-1:NOT_IMPLEMENTED devices/vide/iovmk/videVMK-vmkio.c:1492). The VM freeze and We have to
reboot the ESXi Server, because The VM doesnt respond to any action (Power off, Shutdown guest). We have the same situation in two separated Environments (2 different vcenters Servers) with Simulator 8.1.4 7-Mode and 8.2 C-Mode..
Our Environment:
vcenter Server 5.5
esxi ESX 5.1.0 1157734
You are missing some steps before you can boot the NetApp Simulator. Search the web. The VMDK files are in the wrong format for VMware. There is a long process to get this sim working.
Some of the steps you need are below.
Not my work, copied from other places:
# vmkload_mod multiextent
Disk changes made:
/vsim_esx-7m # vmkfstools -i DataONTAP-sim.vmdk DataONTAP-new-sim.vmdk -d thin
Destination disk format: VMFS thin-provisioned Cloning disk 'DataONTAP-sim.vmdk'... Clone: 100% done.
/vsim_esx-7m # mv DataONTAP-sim.vmdk DataONTAP-sim-old.vmdk
/vsim_esx-7m # mv DataONTAP-new-sim.vmdk DataONTAP-sim.vmdk
vsim_esx-7m # vmkload_mod -u multiextent
Module multiextent successfully unloaded VM powering up!
a log time i made nothing and a few days ago i tested it again. Finaly i use now the current ESXi 5.5 and the cDOT Simulator 8.2 now it works...
But one thing is different, currently i didn't unload the multiextent module after converting the VMDK.
Kind regards
The same Here: ESXi5.5 and Simulator 8.2 (cDOT/7mode) seems to works now (multiextent unloaded after converting)...