ONTAP Discussions

C-DOT 8.3 Downgrade to 8.2.3




we got a new 2554 shipped with 8.3 but want to downgrade to 8.2  7-Mode.

Since i dont want to deal with c-dot at the moment we canceled system setup and played with it a little before wiping it the first time.

Now our first image has 8.3 still and the backup image is 8.2.3 (installed via system node image update ftp server.

When i boot from backup within the boot manager i still cant 8.2.3 usable since its makeing a kernel dump and reboots again and again.


Whats the easiest way (AND FAST !!! ) to wipe it (we have no data on it and not used it at all so far) and get 8.2.3 running ?

I dont want/need to wipe all disks with that initialization menu since it takes 7 hours before i can start setup again.


any help appreciated. BTW i really would like to have 7-Mode instead of 8.2.3 Cluster Mode at the end





First you can not downgrade from 8.3 (C-Mode only) to 7-Mode - you need to perform new installation of 7-Mode. Also disk lables in 8.3 are not recognized (or, better, accepted) by 8.2 which explains panic - it does not see any disk. So to install new 8.2 version you would need to

  1. downgrade to 8.2.x C-Mode. Follow standard documentation, if it is new system it should be easy. You do not care about preserving data anyway. This will downgrade disk labels.
  2. Follow https://kb.netapp.com/support/index?page=content&id=1014786 to reinstall 7-Mode.

PS Sorry, had to edit reply as critical "not" was missing - you cannot downgrade (or upgrade) between C-Mode and 7-Mode.


Thanks for the tips.


i can already boot_backup to 8.2.3 clustered, so i guess i will do the steps in 

How to convert a clustered Data ONTAP 8.x node to a 7-Mode node

after i got rid of the panic ?


i have started to wipe the filer now after booting to the 8.2.3C backup image, if its wiping the whole thing now in 8.2.3 then the panic will be gone and i can revert to 7 mode, correct ?


Whomever ordered the systems ordered them wrong.  They should have been ordered with 7-mode SKU and not cDOT sku.


But, since it's a new system, just call support and they will walk you thru


i can already boot_backup to 8.2.3 clustered

"Panics on boot" does not fall to me into "can boot" category 🙂


i have started to wipe the filer now after booting to the 8.2.3C backup image, if its wiping the whole thing now in 8.2.3 then the panic will be gone and i can revert to 7 mode, correct ?

I would be very surprised if it worked. You need to downgrade disk labels and for this you must perform downgrade from 8.3 to 8.2. Booting backup image is not downgrade.


Here's the solution

This procedure is disruptive and will wipe clean all assign Disks.

How to convert a clustered Data ONTAP 8.x node to a 7-Mode node - NetApp Knowledge Base
