ONTAP Discussions
ONTAP Discussions
Why does "preserve=default,warn=0" show up on sv_vol_s?
Why it there not a "create sv_vol_d 0@-"?
I just created a new snapvault schedule for sv_vol_d
secondary-02> snapvault snap sched -x sv_vol_d sv_daily
secondary-02> snapvault snap sched
xfer sv_vol_d sv_daily 30@mon-sun@22 preserve=default,warn=0
create sv_vol_s 0@-
xfer sv_vol_s sv_daily 30@mon-sun@22
xfer sv_vol_s sv_weekly 12@sat@23
This is on the primary:
primary-01> snapvault snap sched
create vol_d sv_daily 1@mon-sun@22
create vol_d sv_weekly 1@sat@23
create vol_s sv_daily 1@mon-sun@22
create vol_s sv_weekly 1@sat@23
Welcome to the community
They are new with DoT 8.0.1 and I had to phone up and ask. Documented now however.
snapvault snap sched -x -o preserve=on,warn=warn_count vol_name snap_name n@mon-fri@0-23
Hope it helps
Hi Brendon
I was reading your answer and maybe you can help mi with...
What is the way that I can delete the snapvault snap sched that I configured before?
Thanks in Advance!!!
snapvault snap unsched <volume> sv_<hourly/nightly/weekly> <schedule>
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