ONTAP Discussions
ONTAP Discussions
I'd like to know if its possible to set a time for the Nightly and Weekly vol snapshots to occur.?
I know you can set times for the hourly but is that the only one you can adjust?
If you can set them to a time other than midnight, how would you do this?
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No by using the system's internal scheduling. We use a Windows server to send RSH commands for VM snapshot schedule. The script is called by task scheduler and you can call the snapshot what every you like to call them. As such, I assume that you could use this same process to call the 'nightly.bat' script to run, say at 2am, and then use the default naming scheme. Just make sure to turn of the NetApp scheduled snapshots.
As I remember it's not possible and by default it takes snapshot at 00 hrs. however would love to hear if this is possible and I am not aware of as I am also looking for this feature.
Thats kind of what I thought but I was hoping maybe there was someway to configure or script a workaround..
Its kinda weird that you can setup the hourly to occur at specific times but that's it.?
Hourly is still at the top of the hour, it just lets you set it at the top of particular hours.
If you really need to do this, you'd have to externally script it which would include rotating the hourlys.
not sure i understand you completely..
No by using the system's internal scheduling. We use a Windows server to send RSH commands for VM snapshot schedule. The script is called by task scheduler and you can call the snapshot what every you like to call them. As such, I assume that you could use this same process to call the 'nightly.bat' script to run, say at 2am, and then use the default naming scheme. Just make sure to turn of the NetApp scheduled snapshots.
ahhh.. so i could have my ops manager server say for example,
run this script each night..hmmm very cool... I'll have to dig into this some more and figure out the wording of the script,
are there any good references for the command set or maybe someone has created a script already that I can start with and modify as required?
I hate to reinvent the wheel....
We are using RSH and the sever calling the scripts is in the host.equiv file. With this working, all commands are identical to those typed in the console.
snap delete -V <vol-name> nightly.7
snap rename -V <vol-name> nightly.6 nightly.7
snap rename -V <vol-name> nightly.5 nightly.6
snap rename -V <vol-name> nightly.4 nightly.5
snap rename -V <vol-name> nightly.3 nightly.4
snap rename -V <vol-name> nightly.2 nightly.3
snap rename -V <vol-name> nightly.1 nightly.2
snap create -V <vol-name> nightly.1
You can do the something similar with the weekly.# rotation. You can also use ssh.
Information for RSH can be found in setting up a silimar script, but more complicated, in the VMware notes for NetApp. If you can't find them, let me know and I'll look around.
...or you can use hourly snapshots instead of daily and weekly to match your needs.
You can do this with powershell to the filer, or like others have mentioned, protection manager ,local backups only seems like a good fit for you
In addition, if you have a Protection Manager license in addition to Operations Manager, this can be done with the "Local Backups only" policy.
hmmm... unfortuately we dont have that module... i have ops manager and
Business Continuance Option..
I'm still waiting on our sales person to get back to me with demo licenses for the other features as well as pricing for those..
There is also a way to schedule snapshots at a certain minute on the hour using priv set advanced commands with snap sched.
But as for the nightly and weekly, they're at the same times always.