- I have several remote office need to be backup to Netapp filer using the OSSV, due to slow connectivity we decided to use LREP to transfer the data to a USB HDD.
below is the command i use:-
- lrep_reader.exe -p snapvault_start -f APSGNA -q /vol/site1/brkbews -o D:\brkbews@0 -l reader.log brkbews:d:\
- After the LREP is done we bring the USB HDD back to main office and connect it to a Windows server (NAOM) and use "LREP_WRITER Y:\brkbews\brkbews" to read the data from the USB disk.
- Then I perform the command below to create a new volume call "Site1" start the snapvault relationship
- Create new volume:- "vol create site1 SATAaggr 500g"
Start the transfer to Netapp:- "Snapvault start -S NAOM:y:\brkbews APSGNA:/vol/site1/brkbews"
- After the base has been migrated then i use command "snapvault modify -S brkbews:d:\ APSGNA:/vol/site1/brkbews" to change the source path to our remote office
But I getting this error "Qtree is not the source for the destination"
Is there anyway i can change the Source for the Qtree and the command i use is wrong? Appreciate your help... Thank you