ONTAP Discussions
ONTAP Discussions
Hey guys,
We migrated from a 2040 to a 2552 last year and are now wanting to re-use the old 2040 as a lab box to train our engineers internally. I've converted 7M to cDOT and reinitialised all the disks, got all the way through the setup no problem. Remembering that 2 Node switchless came about in 8.2 we have the interconnect's going through an external switch, the following commands show positive results:
BHAM-LAB-CLU01::> cluster ha show High Availability Configured: true BHAM-LAB-CLU01::> storage failover show Node Partner Takeover Possible State -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BHAM-LAB-CLU01-01 BHAM-LAB-CLU01-02 true Connected to BHAM-LAB-CLU01-02 BHAM-LAB-CLU01-02 BHAM-LAB-CLU01-01 true Connected to BHAM-LAB-CLU01-01
The cluster LIF's can ping between each other no problem, all looks good to me. We have added an SVM and begun adding data LIFs. All worked find until we started adding SAN LIF's - we get the following error:
net int create -vserver BHAM-LAB-SVM01 -lif BHAM_LAB_SVM01_ISCSI01_A -role data -home-node BHAM-LAB-CLU01-01 -home-port a0a-3011 -address -netmask -status-admin up -data-protocol iscsi -firewall-policy data -auto-revert false Info: create_imp: Failed to create virtual interface Error: command failed: SAN management operation failed, kernel configuration service cannot communicate with other cluster nodes. Node BHAM-LAB-CLU01-01 may be in the process of becoming ready, please retry the command. (error 53)
Trauled through logs and nothing serious is reported. Has anyone got any ideas? There is another discussion where someone came across the same issue but this was for a single node cluster on < 8.2 which doesn't apply here. From what I can tell the nodes are up and happy so don't know why the first node "may be in the process of becoming ready"?
Solved! See The Solution
Just to confirm, the FAS2040 does not support SAN configurations in 8.1.x
The Hardware Universe and the Platform Mixing Rules Documents confirm no SAN support
HWU - hwu.netapp.com
Platform Mixing Rules - https://library.netapp.com/ecm/ecm_get_file/ECMP1644424
For clarity this issue only relates to SAN, you get the same issue when you run this command:
BHAM-LAB-CLU01::> vserver iscsi create -vserver BHAM-LAB-SVM01 -target-alias BHAM-LAB-SVM01 -status-admin up Error: command failed: SAN management operation failed, kernel configuration service cannot communicate with other cluster nodes. Node BHAM-LAB-CLU01-01 may be in the process of becoming ready, please retry the command. (error 53)
or FCP
BHAM-LAB-CLU01::> vserver fcp create -status-admin up -vserver BHAM-LAB-SVM01 Error: command failed: SAN management operation failed, kernel configuration service cannot communicate with other cluster nodes. Node BHAM-LAB-CLU01-01 may be in the process of becoming ready, please retry the command. (error 53)
File services seem to work fine 🙂
Just to confirm, the FAS2040 does not support SAN configurations in 8.1.x
The Hardware Universe and the Platform Mixing Rules Documents confirm no SAN support
HWU - hwu.netapp.com
Platform Mixing Rules - https://library.netapp.com/ecm/ecm_get_file/ECMP1644424