ONTAP Discussions
ONTAP Discussions
I'm trying to configure a FAS2050 via HTTP
I get on HTTP://"FAS2050 ip address"/na_admin/ -> insert username and password
After that i get
Servlets not enabled
Can anybody help me with this issue?
That the httpd authorizations on console are
httpd.access | legacy |
httpd.admin.access | legacy |
httpd.admin.enable | on |
httpd.admin.hostsequiv.enable off
httpd.admin.max_connections 512
httpd.admin.ssl.enable | on |
httpd.admin.top-page.authentication on
httpd.autoindex.enable | off |
httpd.bypass_traverse_checking off
httpd.enable | on | |
httpd.ipv6.enable | off | |
httpd.log.format | common | (value might be overwritten in takeover) |
httpd.method.trace.enable | off | |
httpd.rootdir | XXX | |
httpd.timeout | 300 | (value might be overwritten in takeover) |
httpd.timewait.enable | off | (value might be overwritten in takeover) |
Dan -
The Filerview web GUI has been deprecated for Data ONTAP 8.
The http admin options are all for enabling API over http.
You can download and use the System Manager GUI from mysupport.netapp.com.
I hope this response has been helpful to you.
At your service,
Eugene E. Kashpureff, Sr.
Independent NetApp Consultant http://www.linkedin.com/in/eugenekashpureff
Senior NetApp Instructor, IT Learning Solutions http://sg.itls.asia/netapp
(P.S. I appreciate 'kudos' on any helpful posts.)
Thanks so much for your answer.
The OnTap running on the FAS2050 is the 7.3.6, so i shouldn't have this problem.
Any other idea?
Thank you
Was it working earlier and this situation happened out of nowhere? Any details you can provide would be useful.
No it wasn't. We are trying to do the first configuration.
It works via "console" through RS232, we have this problem when we try to connect via http.
Any other idea about this topic?