ONTAP Discussions
ONTAP Discussions
Below please find the log. From ATTO, I typed "sastargets" and I can see all netapp disk and disk shelf. On the MDS, I found wwpn of ATTO and NetApp controller fc port on flogi database. Any idea what happended here? Thank you.
Apr 26 14:04:06 [localhost:fci.nserr.noDevices:error]: The Fibre Channel fabric attached to adapter 1a reports the presence of no Fibre Channel devices.
Apr 26 14:04:06 [localhost:fci.nserr.noDevices:error]: The Fibre Channel fabric attached to adapter 1c reports the presence of no Fibre Channel devices.
Apr 26 14:04:07 [localhost:fci.nserr.noDevices:error]: The Fibre Channel fabric attached to adapter 2a reports the presence of no Fibre Channel devices.
Apr 26 14:04:07 [localhost:fci.nserr.noDevices:error]: The Fibre Channel fabric attached to adapter 2c reports the presence of no Fibre Channel devices.
*> storage show bridge
No bridges found.
*> disk show -n
Local System ID: 538019513
disk show: No unassigned disks
*> disk show -v
Local System ID: 538019513
disk show: No disks attached to system.
Anything else in the logs besides those 4 things? And anything in the other equipment?
And what are the code versions of the 8200, MDS and ATTOs?
Could you tri this command :
ucadmin show
And say us witch port are used for disk, pls
It seems a like a bug in ONTAP9.4. The issue disappear after I upgrade the ONTAP version to 9.5P3.
There was a few out there. I have a customer with a 8020 MCC FC on 9.1 and he's seeing one where the cluster thinks an ATTO is offline, even though it's not.
if they are directly connected to FC ports, it should see it
paste the output here of
run local sysconfig -v from each node
do you see your ATTO connected drives there ? on your FC adapter