If you want to keep the flexclone for a longer period of time you can split it so that it will become an independant volume like
its source volume.
NOTE : before splitting the volume make sure you have enough free space in aggregate to accomodate for the volume.
Is this an option for you or are you out of space? If it is here is the command:
vol clone split start <vol-name>
If you still want to flexclone from a snapvault snapshot:
I have not tried to flex clone from a snapvault destination snapshot and cannot test for you as we have currently not
got snapvault in place. Why dont you give this a test? Keeping in mind that the one of the differences between snapmirror
and snapvault is that a snapmirror destination can be turned into read AND write by breaking the relationship. A snapvault
cannot be made into write by itself. You could achieve this with bundled but its more work intensive.
Right now with the information you ve given us I suggest trying splitting the clone, the command will fail if its not possible.
next try to clone using a snapvault snapshot. last resort would be to snapmirror your snapvault destination and then break that etc etc.