Dear Ravi,
Please check the below :
For question 1:
check the snapshots usning the command : "snap list vol0"
I think by default the snapshot schedule is enabled and snapshots are created. Please delete the snapshots using teh command "snap delete vol0 Snap_name"
The space will be freedup once the snapshots are deleted.
Example of snapshot deleteion : snap delete vol0 nightly.0
snap delete vol0 nightly.1
snap delete vol0 hourly.4
snap delete vol0 hourly.3
snap delete vol0 hourly.2
snap delete vol0 hourly.1
snap delete vol0 hourly.0
For Question 2:
Always use the management IP for teh filerview and on command system manager. If you have not configured the management IP use the ip configured for the host name.
For Question 3 :
Check the cluster license. If you have the liocense and the license is not added use the license add command : "license add LIC_code".
Once the license is added on the both nodes of the cluster. use the cf command to enable the cluster. "cf enable".
To activate the cluster you need a rebbot of each node. Please plan the downtime accordingly.
Hope this helps.