ONTAP Discussions

How to Locate Unused Volumes


I have recently joined a company who oversubscribe with the Netapp solution.

I am trying to find Volumes that are no longer accessed (Being used) so that I can free up some desperatly needed space.

Operations Manager 3.8.0 is the version they are currently running.

Because I am new to Netapp please be gentle with me.

The following fields would be very usefull if possable.

Volume Full Name:

Volume Name:


Volume Aggregate:

Storage System Full Name:

Scheduled Snapshot: On/Off

Nightly Retention:

Volume Total Capacity:

Last Accessed:



hi chris, these commands should help you get a little better acquainted with your new NetApp system.

aggr status //show aggregate info; use '-i' to show volumes within each aggregate
aggr show_space //show aggregate storage capacity details and volume to aggr space relationship
sysconfig //shows system details; use '-r' for raid group info; use '-v' for verbosity

snap sched //shows snap shot schedule and retention for volumes; use '-A' for aggr sched
snap list //shows list of snapshots for volumes and aggr; use '-A' for aggr list

df //show vol space capacity details; use '-i' for inode info; use '-r' for snap reserve info; use '-A' for aggr info
lun show //list of luns; use '-v' for more details
igroup show //list of initiator groups containing san host info

fcp show initiators //list of fcp adapters and initiators connected to them

sysstat //shows system utilization

you should also be able to browse around within the OpsMgr web interface and find system info. there's the management console too that you can install on another machine to connect to the DFM server.

hope that helps.



Spend some time with DFM web page i.e. operations manaager and you can get all the information the only thing which you will not get is last accessed, as this needs crawling through all the data and checking file properties which DFM doesn't do unless you have license for FSRM which is discontinued now.


back from the dead (thanks Google). I would like to find this out as well. We had a few too many irons in the fire and now we have volumes that we have no idea if they are being accessed. We dont think they are, as there are no exports, references (etc etc), but would like to be sure.
