ONTAP Discussions
ONTAP Discussions
Is there a proper procedure How to migrate a Snapmirror SVM-DR source SVM to a new cluster?
details: both clusters are running on the same version 9.12.1.
both clusters are peered to each other. SVMs to be migrated has a CIFS share with non-default qtree created.
i tried to run the command on privilege advance mode:
vserver migrate start -vserver <vserver_name> -source-cluster <source_cluster_name> -check-only TRUE -aggr-list <destination_aggregate_name>
The error # 1:
There are no network ports on the destination cluster "<destination_cluster_name> where the reachability is confirmed for the following IP addresses: 192.168.20.x
The source SVM has 2 LIFs the operational one (192.168.10.x) having status admin UP and the 2nd LIF is 192.168.20.x which is status admin down. so i removed the 2nd LIF to erase my doubts then run the vserver migrate command again but another error appeared:
Error # 2: Cannot migrate Vserver "vserver_name" because a non-default qtree "qtree_name" exists on the volume "vserver_name_volume_name" Migrating Vservers containing non-default qtrees is not supported.
My question: do i have to delete my qtree for me to be able to migrate the SVM? how can i delete a qtree with files and folders on it? If i use -force in deleting qtree my data will be gone.
Please shed light on me how to migrate my SVM to the new cluster?
Solved! See The Solution
Because of the limitations we are into i decided to create an snapmirror relationship between the old cluster to the new cluster (destination) then later stop the changes/writes by setting the source LIF to status down on the source SVM then run an snapmirror update then break the relationship for the destination to become the volume writable or RW. Then set the destination SVM as the production SVM then add the old DNS of the source SVM as alias to the destination SVM then set the LIF on the destination SVM to status admin up since it was down when it was still a destination SVM from the source.
Maybe someone else can chime in here, but there is a document someplace. That document, in my opinion forgets one very very important step(unless it’s been fixed recently):
it basically says:
stop source svm
start destination svm
what’s missing:
stop source svm
snapmirror update svm:destination
start destination svm
just remember that when you are reviewing
thanks for your reply. you mean i have to stop the source SVM before doing the vserver migrate command?
SVM Migrate started supporting qtrees with ONTAP 9.14.1.
Also, it does not currently support migrating SVMs that are in an SVM-DR relationship
See SVM data mobility overview (netapp.com) for support information.
Hi Ansley_TJ,
Thanks for your reply. So there is no way i can migrate my SVM to my new cluster non-disruptively. My source cluster is FAS and the destination cluster is AFF series. Any KB that i can read that SVM migration doesn't support qtrees prior ONTAP 9.14.1 and unable to migrate an SVM which is a part of SVM-Dr relationship?
Hi Ansley_TJ,
You mean i need to upgrade my Ontap to version 9.14.1 to support SVM qtrees then break the SVM-DR relationship of the SVM then run the SVM migrate command. is that what you mean?
Because of the limitations we are into i decided to create an snapmirror relationship between the old cluster to the new cluster (destination) then later stop the changes/writes by setting the source LIF to status down on the source SVM then run an snapmirror update then break the relationship for the destination to become the volume writable or RW. Then set the destination SVM as the production SVM then add the old DNS of the source SVM as alias to the destination SVM then set the LIF on the destination SVM to status admin up since it was down when it was still a destination SVM from the source.