ONTAP Discussions
ONTAP Discussions
I'm working on a specific backup applicaiton (time navigator from
Atempo) that manages the snapvault backup using ndmp request
(NDMP_SVP_CREATE_SNAP, NDMP_SVS_CREATE_SNAP etc..) in auto_trans mode
or with an explicit transfert using NDMP_SVS_TRANSFER_BACKUP depending
on some parameters.
We want to retrieve the actual migrated volume between the primary and
the secondary, eventually per qtree. Is there any API to do this? could
it be done through an NDMP request or reply?
thanks for your answer and help.
Below set of APIs retrieves a snapvault relationship status (which contains source-path and destination-path). On the secondary, given a destination path (qtree) the get-relationship-status APIs can retrieve the source path (volume/qtree). Look at the SDK documentation for more details. Hope this helps.
Sorry for my bad english but the purpose of this post was not to retrieve administrative inforamtion about the relationship (Volume qtree snapsetname etc..) that we already get with NDMP, but statistical information such the actual transfered size (amount of data in bytes) during a snpavault transfer.
We need this informatio nper volume or per qtree.
thanks for your healp
Documentation for same set of APIs show that these APIs retrieve below field.
transfer-progress :- Number of kilobytes (1024 bytes) transferred so far. Other statistical data for current transfers - current-transfer-error, current-transfer-type
Also, other statistical data such as last-transfer-duration, last-transfer-from-path, last-transfer-from-system, last-transfer-size, last-transfer-type are retrieved for an inactive connection, showing the status of the last transfer.
thanks for your answer. Where can we retrieve this SDK/API and the corresponding documentation.
Where do we have to issue these command/function? on the primary? on the secondary? We must have a specific connexion
I guess?
Another issue is that, in our current code we use the NDMP protocol to communicate with the filer, Is there a way to retrievethe same set of informaiton
with using the NDMP protocol.
Thanks again for your answer.
Manage ONTAP SDK is available at http://communities.netapp.com/docs/DOC-1110
You can find API documentation bundled along with SDK. Below links point to some additional training materials.
There are APIs that will return status on both primary and secondary for a snapvault relationship. For eg. On invoking "snapvault-primary-get-relationship-status" on primary it returns the relationship status and statistics. Similarly invoking "snapvault-secondary-get-relationship-status" on the secondary gives relationship status as per secondary. For more details refer "snapvault" section of "Data Ontap APIs" in the "Programming Guide" in SDK help.
I do not know how to achieve the same with NDMP.