ONTAP Discussions

How to uniquely identify hardware components using Manage ONTAP 8.3.2 A.P.I.


Hi guys,

I'm trying to understand how I could uniquely identify hardware components (fans, power supplies, temperatures, voltages) attached to a shelf, using Manage ONTAP A.P.I. (v8.3.2).

Let's focus on the fans : I know the storage system I'm testing my queries on (which is a cluster) has 4 fans and 2 power supplies attached to its only shelf; it also has 2 nodes.

When I run the following query in ZExplorer :


here is what I get :

<results status='passed'>

At this point, I have 2 questions :

1) What is a channel (0a in the response) ? Does this term refer to a physical component or a logical component ?

2) The 4 cooling elements are obviously the 4 fans.

     However, my understanding is that the <cooling-element-number> attributes are not identifiers such as the serial numbers we have for the power supplies.

     If I'm correct, how could I reliably discriminate each fan ?

Now, if I run this query :


I get the same <cooling-element-list> and <power-supply-list>.

3) Why did the channel 0b not show up in the first response, when I did not specify any channel in the query ?

4) Is channel 0b a redundancy of channel 0a ?

Lastly, if I run the first query, but switch the nodes :


I still get the same <cooling-element-list> and <power-supply-list>.

5) Do all the nodes have access to the same shelves ?

6) If I have to discover all the hardware components attached to a shelf in a NetApp cluster,

     does it mean I just have to query the first node available, find the first channel available and get its <shelf-environ-shelf-list> ?

7) Same question for a 7-Mode :

     if I have to uniquely identify all the hardware components attached to a shelf, is all I have to do is get the first channel available and then its <shelf-environ-shelf-list> ?

Sorry for the long post, and if my questions are newbie-ish... I hope I made myself clear enough though.

Hopefully someone could help me understand.

Thanks guys !
