ONTAP Discussions

I need help with PowerShell command " Get-NcSnapshot -SnapName *Veeam* | Set-NcSnapshot -Snapmirror"


I have a powershell script that has been working well for the past 4 yrs., Recently I migrated the script to a new environment and it started giving errors


what the script does is to login the source filer  A, change the snapshots' snapmirror labels to "daily" then snapvault these snapshots to the destination filer  B 


When i run it, it seems the script is able to login both filer A and filer B, and replicate the snapshots over. It failed on getting the snapshots,  and gave me 400 errors are below 


PS C:\Users\adm_gwen> powershell.exe E:\Scripts\Veeam-NetAppSnaplock\Set-SM-Label-Update_SV-With-File_Input.ps1 -PrimaryCluster "PUG3AXRSTR1.pue1m.ad" -PrimarySVM "PUG3AXRSTR1-vs01" -ClusterUser veeam -ClusterPass "E:\Scripts\Veeam-NetAppSnaplock\password.txt" -PassKey "E:\Scripts\Veeam-NetAppSnaplock\AES.key" -SecondaryCluster "pcs1bxdsbr.pcs1m.ad" -SecondarySVM "pcs1bxdsbr-uge-vs01" -VolumeListFile "E:\Scripts\Veeam-NetAppSnaplock\SiteA_pug3axrstr_oasys.txt"
[04.03.2025 15:01:22] Starting new log file
[04.03.2025 15:01:22] Trying to load NetApp Powershell module
[04.03.2025 15:01:22] Loaded NetApp Powershell module sucessfully
[04.03.2025 15:01:22] Trying to connect to SVM PUG3AXRSTR1-vs01 on cluster PUG3AXRSTR1.pue1m.ad
[04.03.2025 15:01:24] Connection established to PUG3AXRSTR1-vs01 on cluster PUG3AXRSTR1.pue1m.ad
Get-NcSnapshot : The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request.
At E:\Scripts\Veeam-NetAppSnaplock\Set-SM-Label-Update_SV-With-File_Input.ps1:239 char:3
+ Get-NcSnapshot -SnapName *Veeam* | Set-NcSnapshot -SnapmirrorLabel ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Get-NcSnapshot], WebException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.Net.WebException,DataONTAP.C.PowerShell.SDK.Cmdlets.Snapshot.GetNcSnapshot

[04.03.2025 15:01:24] Trying to connect to SVM pcs1bxdsbr-uge-vs01 on cluster pcs1bxdsbr.pcs1m.ad
[04.03.2025 15:01:28] Connection established to pcs1bxdsbr-uge-vs01 on cluster pcs1bxdsbr.pcs1m.ad
[04.03.2025 15:01:28] File E:\Scripts\Veeam-NetAppSnaplock\SiteA_pug3axrstr_oasys.txt was found
[04.03.2025 15:01:29] Volume tp_pug3axrstr1_vs01_pgu3arj_esx_ds_data_bc_even01_vol was found
[04.03.2025 15:01:29] SecondarySVM: pcs1bxdsbr-uge-vs01
[04.03.2025 15:01:29] SecondaryVolume: tp_pug3axrstr1_vs01_pgu3arj_esx_ds_data_bc_even01_vol
VERBOSE: Updating SnapMirror with destination //pcs1bxdsbr-uge-vs01/tp_pug3axrstr1_vs01_pgu3arj_esx_ds_data_bc_even01_vol.

NcController : pcs1bxdsbr.pcs1m.ad
ResultOperationId : 76301282-f933-11ef-bcd2-d039eabd3a83
ErrorCode :
ErrorMessage :
JobId :
JobVserver :
Status : succeeded
Uuid :
Message :

[04.03.2025 15:01:29] Volume tp_pug3axrstr1_vs01_pgu3arj_esx_ds_data_bc_odd01_vol was found
[04.03.2025 15:01:29] SecondarySVM: pcs1bxdsbr-uge-vs01
[04.03.2025 15:01:29] SecondaryVolume: tp_pug3axrstr1_vs01_pgu3arj_esx_ds_data_bc_odd01_vol
VERBOSE: Updating SnapMirror with destination //pcs1bxdsbr-uge-vs01/tp_pug3axrstr1_vs01_pgu3arj_esx_ds_data_bc_odd01_vol.
NcController : pcs1bxdsbr.pcs1m.ad
ResultOperationId : 768f5208-f933-11ef-bcd2-d039eabd3a83
ErrorCode :
ErrorMessage :
JobId :
JobVserver :
Status : succeeded
Uuid :
Message :

[04.03.2025 15:01:30] Volume tp_pug3axrstr1_vs01_pgu3arj_esx_ds_data_nbc_even01_vol was found


Any help is appreciated!


