ONTAP Discussions
ONTAP Discussions
Hello Guys
I have the following problem
A two-node cluster was created, which is operational but in Network - Overview shows the e0M interface of controller-1 in broadcast domain Default and of controller-2 in broadcast domain Default-1
I need to know if it is possible to move the e0M of the controller located in Default-1 to Default and if they will have the cli command to do it.
Thanks for your help
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Yes, please follow the kb for the commands.
Note: You cannot directly modify the IPspace on the given port; instead remove it from the current broadcast domain and then add it to the appropriate broadcast domain in the desired IPspace.
How to change the IP space or broadcast domain on a port:
That KB is seriously flawed.
Start with ... I am pretty sure the remove-port fails if there is a port that call the port trying to be removed "home". All that is being suggested is to migrate the port. I suspect the migrate needs to be done followed by a modify. Then the port can be removed from the BD.
Next, If I actually to ad a port to the Cluster BD, the port will take on the MTU of that BD (which would be 9000 and the example is showing 1500)
Finally, there should be some reference to removing the extra port...if e0c is no longer needed, it should be removed from the BD.
I have done this process before, but it is the e0M management port and it won't let me move it from broadcast domain.
What is the error you see when you say it won't let me move ?
Check this kb:
Unable to add a port to broadcast domain - NetApp Knowledge Base
And this KB is also flawed. I run into this problem all the time. usually due to "properly" setting up broadcast domains (place all e0M in one BD and then have a BD with a tagged VLAN that happens to be the as the access ports that e0M is using...like a LIF on e0M (Access port VLAN 99) and another LIF on a0a-99 (VLAN port 99).
In my cases, when the new node joins the cluster a few things happen:
Here is the fix, This usually is happening on a pair of new nodes:
Ok. Kb I mentioned deals with the error you have shared.
Have you tried to merge them?
Broadcast-domain merge -broadcast-domain Default-1 -into Default