I used to have one cluster. NetappC1
2 newer nodes and 2 older ones in the cluster.
I removed the 2 older nodes from NetappC1
And created a new cluster NetappC2 with the older nodes.
So now i have 2 clusters (NetappC1 and NetappC2), NetappC1 with the 2 newer nodes and NetappC2 with the 2 older nodes.
Problem is now that I dont have the licenses for NetappC2,.
The Nodes are decommissioned and not in autosupport. So i cant find them.
Is there a way to extract the licenses from NetappC1?
I can see that there are still licenses on NetappC1 committed to the two nodes that are not in the cluster anymore.
::> system license show -serial-number 1-81-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1
::> system license show -serial-number 1-81-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx2
But how do i move the licens to NetappC2?