My question is about snapshot corrupstions in a tape backup time.
The situation: there 2 site. On primary site there is a SMVI backup with 5 snapshots and after backup the SMVI_snapvault
script send the snapshot to secondary site every day at 10pm. On the secondary site there is a CA server with NDMP communication and control
the backup between Sec storage FC and tape library FC. This backup starts every friday at 11pm. CA search a "SMVI_daily_recent.0" snapshot on secondary storage and needs to send about 900GB data. The backup time depend on volume size. Now about 23-24 hours long bacause 900GB 1,3TB volume size.
Could it be corrupted data on the tape if CA not finised its job but SMVI_daily_recent.0 renamed to SMVI_daily_recent.1 after 10pm?
How could be resolve this problem?
Should I rename the snapshot from SMVI_daily_recent.0 to SMVI_daily_dont_touch while I backup the weekly tape?