ONTAP Discussions
ONTAP Discussions
I got a new FAS3210 but i do not know where to find my Netapp OnCommand license.
It is said that the Netapp OnCommand is free and within the software package.
If you can see your licenses for the filer under the NOW site, the OnCommand license will likely still be called "dfm" something or other.
I only can see the licenses in the picture
Look for a code "SW-DFMGR" and there you find the "core" license to install the product, then navigate to:
for the rest, have fun.
I searched "SW-DFMGR" and "core",but unfortunately,I can not find them.
You get Entitlement with your hardware purchase, but you need to get a License ($0) from your Sales Rep.
Can anyone tell me how to add member to an existing dataset from Netapp Console.
You can use "dfpm dataset add" command
dfpm dataset add help
add -- add members to a dataset
dfpm dataset add [ -D ] [ -N <node-name> ] <data-set-name-or-id>
{ [ <volume-name-or-id> ] | [ <qtree-name-or-id> ] |
[ <ossv-dir-name-or-id> ] | [ <storage-system-name-or-id> ] |
[ <host-name-or-id> ] } ...
If -D option is specified, only dry run results will be
displayed. No changes will be made to the dataset.
-N option can be used to specify the node to which the
members need to be added. If not specified, members will
be added to the root node.