ONTAP Discussions

NetApp plugin for OEM 12c - DB is not on NFS mounted storage. DB Storage Perf Report empty


Hi, I have installed NetApp Plugin for OEM 12c ( for a Netapp vFiler used for SMO. "Database Storage Utilization" and "Consolidation Database Storage Performance" empty. "Database is not on NFS mounted storage. Hence, no views available." - a. We are using ASM lun created on NFS. Does this means it will not appear in the plugin report ? - b. If point a. is true, is there a way to make the data appear ? I had already verified the BELOW. Only for point 4, I observed MGMT$DB_DATAFILES."OS_STORAGE_ENTITY" is NA (even though the ASM disk is actually on a NFS mount) : 1. Database discovery is done in EM12c . 2. Go to the database “HOST” target in EM 12c and click on the host target on which database resides. From host target drop down, click on “Host-> StorageDetails”. It will launch the “Storage Details” page. Please refer attached screenshot. There is a table displayed on bottom of screen and click on “File Systems” tab and check that your discovered database storage mount point is shown there. (Please note that whenever you define new mount point on host, this list should reflect the change.), otherwise, Database Performance views will not work. This mount point discovery is updated periodically. (It might be possible that DB views are not working because this discovery might not have finished) 3. Please click on NetApp Storage Target type and go to “Target HomePage drop down ->All Metrics”. Please click on “Volume List” metric and confirm if the volume is listed there on which database resides. 4. If all above steps holds good, please execute the below query on EM 12c repository and send the result: SELECT V2.TARGET_NAME, V1.FILESYSTEM, SUBSTR(V1.FILESYSTEM,INSTR(V1.FILESYSTEM,':')+6, (CASE WHEN (INSTR(V1.FILESYSTEM,'/',1,3) > 0) THEN INSTR(V1.FILESYSTEM,'/',1,3) - INSTR(V1.FILESYSTEM,'/',1,2) - 1 ELSE 100 END)) "VOLUMENAME" FROM MGMT$STORAGE_REPORT_NFS V1, MGMT$DB_DATAFILES V2 WHERE V1.MOUNTPOINT = V2.OS_STORAGE_ENTITY and V2.TARGET_NAME=''





ASM database discovery is not supported by plug-in. These performance views are only applicable for NFS mounted databases but not ASM LUN based. 



Sachin Maheshwari



Hi Sachin, Thanks for the update. But can I rework the SQL (you have provided) and create a separate BI report and join it with 1. MGMT$STORAGE_REPORT_NFS (which I assume would be updated by the plug-in) 2. New view I will create to map the OS_STORAGE_ENTITY with the correct mount information to MGMT$DB_DATAFILES (even if it is ASM) SELECT V2.TARGET_NAME, V1.FILESYSTEM, SUBSTR(V1.FILESYSTEM,INSTR(V1.FILESYSTEM,':')+6, (CASE WHEN (INSTR(V1.FILESYSTEM,'/',1,3) > 0) THEN INSTR(V1.FILESYSTEM,'/',1,3) - INSTR(V1.FILESYSTEM,'/',1,2) - 1 ELSE 100 END)) "VOLUMENAME" FROM MGMT$STORAGE_REPORT_NFS V1, MGMT$DB_DATAFILES V2 WHERE V1.MOUNTPOINT = V2.OS_STORAGE_ENTITY and V2.TARGET_NAME='' . Regards, Aik Khoon


Hi Aik,


Change in SQLs will not work. There is lot of code for data discovery.

We need to have discovery mechanism integrated in our plug-in for ASM LUNS.

ASM LUN based database discovery has been planned to support in future release of plug-ins.


Can you please share following details about OEM plug-in usage:

1. Company Name

2. ONTAP OS (cDOT / 7-mode which version)

3. Nature of Databases (Only ASM or NFS based)

4. Are your currently using this plug-in for NFS databases? If yes, how it helps to simplify your database administration.


We will share your feedback to Product Management for support of ASM.



Sachin Maheshwari
