ONTAP Discussions
ONTAP Discussions
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For one nfs volume, how many client ip can it support? Is there maximum client ip ?
Thank for your help.
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Hi experts
First thanks for your answer, they are useful.
From hwu.netapp.com, i find nfs client is 100000 for A300.
I do not believe there is a hard limit on amount connections to a single Volume. I know there is limit based on your data ontap version and hardware that you can track through our site (hwu.netapp.com) like max number of export policy and rules.. etc..
Hassan is correct. However, I will say that there is a performance limit on how many clients can have their data in a single volume. It would make sure to talk to your account team for assistance with this. They also help set up systems and design them in the way that makes the most sense, so you don't get worse performance.
We have several thousand connecting to a single volume via NFS. And we do this for multiple volumes, all hosted on multiple A700 nodes.
There are practical issues you may run into - for example, if you ever need to unmount the volume, you obviously need solid automation procedures.
There are real limits on how much I/O you can do to a single volume before you simply tip over. High I/O on a single volume anywhere in a cluster can impact the entire cluster. Even in an all-SSD environment.
As the age-old saying goes "just because you can, doesn't mean you should".
@EWILTS_SAS wrote:
There are real limits on how much I/O you can do to a single volume before you simply tip over. High I/O on a single volume anywhere in a cluster can impact the entire cluster. Even in an all-SSD environment.
That is true, which is why FlexGroup volumes help in a lot of cases. A single FlexVol will start to hit latency issues at n IOPS, but if you have a FlexGroup with 16 FlexVol members, then latency issues won't occur until much higher IOPS, as each member volume is being used to spread the workload out.
As for TCP connections, we get about 100k per node.
Hi experts
First thanks for your answer, they are useful.
From hwu.netapp.com, i find nfs client is 100000 for A300.