I've run through the dvadmin vm wizard a couple times now and each time the wizard seems to complete successfully and a new VM is visible within VCenter. When I go to start the VM I receive the following:
md1.uzip: 39168 x 16384 blocks
md2.uzip: 5760 x 16384 blocks
WARNING: Data ONTAP mode is not specified, defaulting to 7-mode.
ERROR: Invalid/missing configuration property 'vsa.ipaddr'.
ERROR: Data ONTAP startup failed - initiating shutdown.
Here are the permissions on /mroot directory:
drwxr-xr-x 3 root wheel 512 Mar 27 04:32 /mroot
/mroot directory doesn't exist or is it not writeable... aborting coverage dump
Waiting for PIDS: 701.
During the course of the dvadmin vm wizard I've assigned the ip address I want the VM to utilize, or at least so I think.