ONTAP Discussions

Ontap 8.1 License questions - FAS2220


Hello - I'm new to the NetApp world, hope you will forgive the base-ness of my questions.

My workplace has given me a FAS2220 controller plus two DS4246 disk shelves. To them, its old kit - replaced by newer Synology gear. To me, being a hardware geek, Its rather fascinating in what it does and how it works - plus I wish to use it as a basis of study so I can get Netapp/Ontap SAS technologies on my CV and move on from my current IT support role.


I was given the unit on condidtion that I wipe the drives. 3 of the drives had been carelessly discarded by a colleague - plus the disk shelves had been de cabled. I could have re cabled it but the UPS it all powers back to requres a 16amp supply which is not available - so I elected to wipe the drives 12 at a time, by performing a system reset - reboot/ctrl-C/option 4.

I discovered that this obviously wipes out the factory configuration - plus any installed License Keys that come pre installed.


Although my bosses boss gave the go ahead for me to take possession of the FAS2220, I'm not sure his attention span will extend to digging out license keys etc. I have opened up a support account with NetApp using the controller serial number - the account has the company name associated with it but no licensing details, or any details specific to this hardware. Does this mean it was bought via another vendor/out of contract ect. What CAN Ontap do without the License Code? Is there a legit procedure to get my own company/name accociated with this hardware? My boss will provide email references if required?


I've read here:




- to get some idea of licensing requrements and functionality - but as I said, this tech is new to me. Is my 'new' 120TB memory stick of little use without the code? I can still perform practice config etc - I also note that there is an Ontap VM available for that very purpose, which makes my cries for help rather redundant! I'm a geek, I want 120TB heating my cellar 🙂


Can anyone help?



What version of ONTAP are you looking to run on this?  The FAS2220 will support up to Clusterered 9.1 ; 7-mode ends at 8.2.5. Any of the versions above 8.2 use the S/N of the controllers to build the license. (ie License specific to each node.) 

I know you probably don't want to hear this. Contact your local Sales rep and see if he can help you out.

Also not the same, but, you can download the simulators and use them as a learning tool. Doesn't get your 120T basement heater . Sorry 🙂 

Good luck 


If those S/N are still under warranty, you can contact the NetApp Customer Service and request a copy of the licenses that belong to that system.


I've just looked under Contracts and Warranties - definatly expired


I can see 3 different serial numbers, two product numbers, a contract number - Service says Warranty: '36month hardware and disk' End Date was 30th Nov 2016 😞


If I go into Software Licenses and anter a Serial Number - it just says 'There were no results found'



Its on 8.2 I think


I actually have a Netapp Accociate sat across from me in the office. We have on site support from Proact relating to other issues atm. He has run the serial number through his system but as it wasnt originally purchased off Proact, drawn a black re the license code.
