ONTAP Discussions

Ontap 9.8 with OpenVMS 8.4


We are trying to connect FAS8020 running Ontap 9.8 P21 to OpenVMS OS (8.4 L3). Storage is configured to run FC.

Switches show both initiators and targets logged in to fabric.

On the OpenVMS i can see NetApp ports.

When scanning channels no disks come back or at least information about them to be mounted.


Disk scan shows no identifier defined for device unit


$ mcr sysman io a/log

%SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node SALES1
%IOGEN-I-PREFIX, searching for ICBM with prefix SYS$
%IOGEN-I-PREFIX, searching for ICBM with prefix DECW$
%IOGEN-W-NOICBM, failed to find ICBM with prefix DECW$
%IOGEN-I-CISSPOLL, scanning for devices through CISS port PKA0
%IOGEN-I-FIBREPOLL, scanning for devices through FIBRE port FGA0
%IOGEN-E-NODEVID, no identifier defined for device unit D0
%IOGEN-E-NODEVID, no identifier defined for device unit D1
%IOGEN-E-NODEVID, no identifier defined for device unit D2
%IOGEN-E-NODEVID, no identifier defined for device unit D3
%IOGEN-E-NODEVID, no identifier defined for device unit D4
%IOGEN-E-NODEVID, no identifier defined for device unit D0
%IOGEN-E-NODEVID, no identifier defined for device unit D1
%IOGEN-E-NODEVID, no identifier defined for device unit D2
%IOGEN-E-NODEVID, no identifier defined for device unit D3
%IOGEN-E-NODEVID, no identifier defined for device unit D4
%IOGEN-I-FIBREPOLL, scanning for devices through FIBRE port FGB0
%IOGEN-E-NODEVID, no identifier defined for device unit D0
%IOGEN-E-NODEVID, no identifier defined for device unit D1
%IOGEN-E-NODEVID, no identifier defined for device unit D2
%IOGEN-E-NODEVID, no identifier defined for device unit D3
%IOGEN-E-NODEVID, no identifier defined for device unit D4


After some online search most likely there is issue with lun ID, or some kind of ID is missing.

Do anyone have experience with this setup and what i am missing?


Thank you in advance.





I can answer my own question.

Ontap 9.8 use -device-legacy-id argument for Lun. The id supplied in this argument will be used as drive name. Older versions is 7 mode use dev_id

View solution in original post



I can answer my own question.

Ontap 9.8 use -device-legacy-id argument for Lun. The id supplied in this argument will be used as drive name. Older versions is 7 mode use dev_id
