ONTAP Discussions

Ontap One




in this blogpost:



it’s mentioned that most customers with active support contracts are eligible for an Ontap One license and you can download it from the support site under your account. However, I cannot find it there. Does anyone know the license name for the Ontap One license? We have a huge list of licenses listed with names of which most I can’t make anything out of it.



Hi See, the meaning is the _3 at the end 🙂





Thanks, those are indeed present. But why not simply name it ontap_one ;-). Also, the blog states ‘all-in-one software license’, but you still have to download multiple separate licenses….


Hi Frank,

It is a little different depending on your current state of keys. However if you go onto the NSS site and ask to "Get your NLF" it will be updated with the new keys. If you already had NLFs it will insert the keys into your existing NLFs but if you had not had NLFs before it will generate a single NLF called "ONTAP One" that has all the keys (Minus SnapMirror Cloud and S3 SnapMirror that need to be order at $0 due to their nature). We tried to make it as simple as possible but some existing systems still need the 3 NLFs, don't worry though the end result is the same. On new systems, it comes as a single NLF file.


 If you already had NLFs it will insert the keys into your existing NLFs but if you had not had NLFs before it will generate a single NLF called "ONTAP One" that has all the keys

Nope.  On systems that didn't have NLFs before, when I clicked on Check, I got 2 bundles - data protection and encrypt.  I did not get a One NLF nor did I get a core bundle.
I've got it generating new NLFs today for more nodes but it's taking quite a while so I don't know what I'm going to end up with.



I downloaded the following license files from the support site:







More features are enabled now, but the following features are still shown as 'unlicensed':


All SAN Array License

Data Protection Optimized Secondary License

FabricPool License

OnCommand Balance License

OnCommand Shift License

S3 Snapmirror External

SnapMirror Cloud License

SnapProtectApps License

Virtual Attached Storage License


Is the above the normal situation after applying the license files for Ontap One?


The way it was described to me was that "all licenses necessary for traffic staying within the datacenter" so don't expect the cloud licenses to be activated.  FabricPool licensing would be disastrous since that would bite into the StorageGRID sales that currently include the FabricPool license.


What you have above is accurate. You will also get SnapMirror Cloud and S3 SnapMirror external. You only need one of those per Cluster rather than per node. Starting in July there will be a $0 item you can order to get those 2 licenses or just add a new system with ONTAP One to the cluster it will come with it.


Ok, great. Thanks for the help!


_3 is not confusing at all :).  Slap that marketing guy upside da head.
From the blog post:  " Log into the NetApp Support site, download an updated license file, install it, and you’re good to go! "  
What they really mean is update a whole bunch of license files, install them, and then maybe you're good to go.  And click on "check" for every serial number, wait a couple of hours, come back and reauthenticate to the license portal (wait for the OTP in your email!), and maybe you can download a ton more.
And then you get nice friendly error messages like "Error installing package "S3_SnapMirror" with serial number xxxxxxxxxx" from System Manager with no further explanation of why the serial number you just downloaded can't be added.
For a simple 4-node DR cluster with few licenses, I've downloaded 6 files (2 of which won't load), had to click Check for 2 more nodes, waited a couple of hours, had to re-authenticate to the support site with OTP, discovered that the new licenses were not available yet, and go back into a holding pattern.
Darn good thing you're trying to make things simple for us.   


Some systems have a core bundle and some don't so I'm getting licenses through the legacy keys.  What's up with that?



It also means that some systems have S3 licenses and some don't since S3 is part of the core bundle.


You should be getting 1 license file per system, not sure what is wrong there. Perhaps open a non technical case and they can get that sorted out for you. All systems should have the exact same SW load now, including S3.


I'll log a case - the process is horribly broken.  NLF files I requested yesterday still aren't showing up in the license portal.  The ones that I have gotten earlier are incomplete (no core bundles). 



I've got a non technical case open with support about this and they don't really have much of an idea about how this works either. They first sent me 9 licenses for 4 nodes, each node had 2 licenses but one had 3 licenses. They didn't include an encryption license, so when I asked about that they said yes, they should probably give me that too. The online portal for requesting licenses is currently broken and they are trying to generate licenses for me at the moment for another cluster.


My concern with this process is that they haven't confirmed with me what happens if I apply the new NLF license to a node where not all of the features are included in the NLF license. Am I no longer licensed for the feature that were previously licensed in the old license system? This will therefore cause a production issue.


For example, I was given a license file for the Ontap Base to One Upgrade which includes the packages for "Anti_ransomware","SnapLock","MT_EK_MGMT","SnapMirror","SnapMirror_Sync","SnapManagerSuite","SnapVault","S3_SnapMirror".


I was also sent a license file ONTAP BASE no Encryption for the same node which includes the licenses for "NFS","CIFS","iSCSI","FCP","S3","FlexClone","SnapRestore","NVMe_oF" which I was told to ignore. What would be the impact of applying just the Ontap Base to One Upgrade license? Would that remove NFS, CIFS licensing etc?

When questioning this with support they said to apply both licenses.


Is someone able to confirm whether I should actually have one all encompassing license file, or should I actually receive three license files (ONTAP BASE no Encryption, ONTAP BASE to ONE Upgrade and Encryption Bundle) and apply all three?





Hey Ben,


Sorry for the confusion. Seems we still have the multi NLFs going out the door for some systems. So you should never have few licenses when you do this process. That is, you should always have all the licenses you had before PLUS more. No worries about the system while you are installing them, everything will continue to function.


So in your case you will install 2 NLFs. The ONTAP Base NLF that has all of the protocols (now including NVMe-oF) and then the ONTAP Base to ONTAP One NLF that includes all of the security features like SnapLock and Autonomous Ransomware protection along with SnapMirror. It doesn't seem like you ordered the Encryption bundle for your system but that would be delivered in a 3rd NLF. We are trying to deliver as many of these as possible in a single NLF but in some cases they are still being generated in 2-3 NLFs.


So again, apply all three and you are good to go!


Even 1 NLF per serial number is pretty tedious.  We need a way for the cluster to pull the license files directly from NetApp's web site....  If you can have bi-directional autosupport functionality, you can have bi-directional license file updates.  Pretty please?


@BenBrazil wrote:


My concern with this process is that they haven't confirmed with me what happens if I apply the new NLF license to a node where not all of the features are included in the NLF license. Am I no longer licensed for the feature that were previously licensed in the old license system? This will therefore cause a production issue.

The licenses appear to be additive.  I applied the Data Protection and Encryption bundles but there was no Core bundle NLF.  Looking at the cluster in System Manager, I see under "Installed Licenses" only the 2 bundles.  Under Features, I see a mix of the licenses provided by a legacy key and by the bundles.

We should have 3 license keys  that includes the Core bundle because there are features in there that may not be in your legacy keys.  For example, the Core bundle includes S3 but on the cluster where I didn't have a Core bundle NLF available, I still don't have an S3 license.  The rest of my legacy keys like NFS still work.

My NLF files are Core, Data Protection Bundle, and Encryption Bundle.  That's on my ONE HA pair where I have all 3 and they were purchased a few months ago.  None of the rest of my systems, after doing a "Check", got a Core bundle.  Most did not get anything new at all and I still have the legacy keys but ONTAP ONE is just marketing talk and no action to me.





Thanks both for the confirmation.


So, not to be ignorant, but the process is (If I currently have multiple 28 character key licenses on a Ontap9.13.1 Cluster)?

  • Login to NSS
  • Check, then Generate NLF for each of the licenses listed
  • Then look for the (3) "BDL" files (Or any "BDL" file for that matter)
  • Download the NLF files
  • Then apply them in System Manager




We have a cluster that generated a single license, ONTAP_ONE_ENC_CAP_3, with a capacity of 1 TB. This replaced the legacy licenses. So when we  removed it all the legacy licensees were deleted and needed to be reapplied. 

How is the capacity of the new licenses calculated? Currently most of our systems are using legacy licenses which aren't capacity based.
