I'm trying to change the volume efficiency policy for a volume. When I do this, it appears to work (as in, it returns some volume info and no errors):
C:\scripts > Set-NcSis -VserverContext cifs -Name vol_test -Policy auto-20%-changelog-threshold
Name State TotalSize Used Available Dedupe Aggregate Vserver
---- ----- --------- ---- --------- ------ --------- -------
vol_test online 50.0 GB 47.5 GB aggr1 cifs
C:\scripts >
However, when I check it on the NetApp CLI, nothing has changed:
clus1::> sis show -fields policy -volume vol_test
vserver volume policy
------- ----- --------
cifs vol_test -
I see the same behavior if I do it this way:
C:\scripts > Get-NcVol vol_test | Set-NcSis -Policy auto-20%-changelog-threshold
Am I doing something wrong, or does 'Set-NcSis' just not work properly in the NetApp.ONTAP PowerShell module? (I'm using the latest version: