Adding to Markus's point
The following options would affect the naming of the snapshots (would also affect destination volume and qtree names):
pmCustomNameUseRetentionType (Would specify the retention time of the snapshot: Hourly/Weekly/Daily/Monthly)
pmCustomNameUseHostName (Would specify the source host name)
pmCustomNameUseVolumeName (Would specify the source volume name)
pmCustomNameUseQtreeList (List of qtrees)
The following options would only affect the volumes names:
and the following option would turn semi colons to underscores (for mounting snapshots on windows)
Here's how a snapshot name would look like:
<timestamp retention-type>_<host>_<volume>.[<qtree1>.<qtree2>...];
You cannot remove the time stamp as that is the only unique ID of a snapshot to be recognized by protection manager. AFAIK The maximum length of PRotection Manager's snapshot's name is 128 charecters, if the length is exceeds, then except for the timestamp retention-type, all the names would be truncated (It would pobabily start with qtrees then host and volume - I'm really not sure about the order)
So as a suggestion - Don't have all the option enabled - Decide on what name the script is going to query upon - enable that option and disable the rest.
Hope that helps.
Thanks and regards
Shiva Raja