ONTAP Discussions
ONTAP Discussions
Please point me to the link or document which explain step by step QSM procedure to migrate data between 32bit aggregate and 64bit aggregate for the volumes with snapshot.
I have volumes with snapshots with the default name(hourly./nightly./weekly.)
Thanks and Regards,
Sachin SHInde.
Hi Sachin,
As far as I am concerned, nothing changed since you have posted a very similar question few months ago (http://communities.netapp.com/message/53569#53569), and the answer to it is still valid:
- either wait for ONTAP 8.1
- or do a tedious migration following KB article https://kb.netapp.com/support/index?page=content&id=1012182
+1 wait for ONTAP 8.1
Hi Radek,
I had gone through the KB article you gave and it was very helpful.
But I am confused about how to migrate default snapshots which got created with name hourly, nightly and weekly.
Can you please explain how to migrate default snapshots (snapshots with name hourly/nightly/weekly ) to the destination?
Hi there is a simple answer to that...
You can not.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think it's possible (but not easy) to migrate the snapshots.
After you have initialized the snapmirror:
snapmirror update -s nightly.0 -c nightly.0 -S src:/vol/<srcvol>/<srcqtree> /vol/<dstvol>/<dstqtree>
snapmirror update -s nightly.1 -c nightly.1 -S src:/vol/<srcvol>/<srcqtree> /vol/<dstvol>/<dstqtree>
snapmirror update -s nightly.2 -c nightly.2 -S src:/vol/<srcvol>/<srcqtree> /vol/<dstvol>/<dstqtree>
snapmirror update -s nightly.3 -c nightly.3 -S src:/vol/<srcvol>/<srcqtree> /vol/<dstvol>/<dstqtree>
you have to do it for every snapshot!
Kind regards,
I thought that as well - wasn't aware of any restrictions re snapshots with default names.
Adrian, you are correct. Sorry
If we try to update snapmirror with the automatically created snapshots (hourly/nightly/weekly) it gives following message:
snapmirror update -s weekly.0 -c weekly.0 -S /vol/<src_vol>/<src_qtree> -w /vol/<dstvol>/<dstqtree>
Cannot transfer a snapshot with a name in the format of
an automatically created snapshot: weekly.0.
Select a different snapshot, or rename the snapshot you have chosen.
snapmirror update [-k <n>][-s <src_snap>] [-c <dst_snap>][-S [<srcfiler>:]<srcpath>][-w] [<dstfiler>:]<dstpath>
in which <srcpath> and <dstpath> are
<volname> or </vol/volname/qtreename>
- forces snapmirror update of snapmirror destination
That’s why i posted this on community to find out ways to migrate automatically created snapshots.
I can see the option to rename the snapshot and migrate it. But it will manual task to remove the snapshots after they expires.
It would add yet one more step to already tedious task, but how about renaming default snapshots for the migration & then renaming them back to their original names?
Okay, did not know that.
But you may have to choose that way and use a scheduled powershell-script for cleanup. simple solution:
$vol = '*' #is looking fo all volumes
$retention = -7 #stands for 7 days (has to be negative)
get-navol | where {$_.Name -like $vol} | foreach-object {$ParentName=$_.Name;get-nasnapshot $_.Name | add-member -membertype noteproperty -name ParentName -value $ParentName -passthru} | where {$_.AccessTimeDT -lt ((Get-Date).AddDays($retention))} | ForEach-Object {Remove-NaSnapshot $_.ParentName $_.Name -Verbose}