ONTAP Discussions

Qtree capacity not showing on vfiler dfm 5


I am running OC/DFM and I am not getting any report on qtree-capacity.  

These are tree type qtrees with quota on inside the vfiler.

Any ideas?

dfm diag output below:

Network Connectivity

IP Address            ++++++++++++++++++

Network                (discovery disabled) 

DNS Aliases            +++++++++++++++++

DNS Addresses          ++++++++++++++++

SNMP Version in Use    SNMPv3 

SNMPv1                 Passed (69 ms) 

SNMP Community         +++++++++++++++

SNMP sysName           +++++++++++++++++++++++++

SNMP sysObjectID       . (Clustered Filer)

SNMP productId         0151745212 

SNMPv3                 Passed (3 ms) 

SNMPv3 Auth Protocol   MD5 

SNMPv3 Privacy Enabled No 

SNMPv3 Username        +++++++++++++++++++

SNMP sysName           +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

SNMP sysObjectID       . (Clustered Filer)

SNMP productId         0151745212 

ICMP Echo              host_diag_ping_suid failed with error: Unknown error 255(255).

Failed (Is appliance down?)

HTTP                   Failed (Is appliance down?)

NDMP (login not set)   Skipped

RSH                    Execution of 'rsh' failed.

Reason: No such file or directory. 

SSH                    timed out 

RLM                    Skipped (hostRLMAddress is empty) 

XML (https port 443)   Passed (8 ms)

Host Details

According to:   DataFabric Manager server       Host

Host Name       +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

System ID       +++++++++++++++++++++

Model           FAS3170                        FAS3170

Type            Clustered Storage System       Clustered Storage System

OS Version      8.0.2P6 7-Mode                 8.0.2P6 7-Mode

Revisions       350,8.0.1,2.1.1                350,8.0.1,2.1.1

Monitoring Timestamps

Timestamp Name       Status   Interval     Default      Last Updated     Status   Error if older than ...

ccTimestamp          Normal   4 hours      4 hours                                17 Jul 11:32

cfTimestamp          Normal   5 minutes    5 minutes    17 Jul 15:26     Warning  17 Jul 15:27

clusterTimestamp     Normal   15 minutes   15 minutes                             17 Jul 15:17

cpuTimestamp         Normal   5 minutes    5 minutes    17 Jul 15:29     Normal   17 Jul 15:27

dfTimestamp          Normal   30 minutes   30 minutes   17 Jul 15:04     Normal   17 Jul 15:02

diskTimestamp        Normal   4 hours      4 hours      17 Jul 14:08     Normal   17 Jul 11:32

envTimestamp         Normal   5 minutes    5 minutes    17 Jul 15:31     Normal   17 Jul 15:27

fsTimestamp          Normal   15 minutes   15 minutes   17 Jul 15:27     Normal   17 Jul 15:17

hostPingTimestamp    Normal   1 minute     1 minute     17 Jul 15:30     Warning  17 Jul 15:31

ifTimestamp          Normal   15 minutes   15 minutes   17 Jul 15:26     Normal   17 Jul 15:17

licenseTimestamp     Normal   4 hours      4 hours      17 Jul 14:05     Normal   17 Jul 11:32

lunTimestamp         Normal   30 minutes   30 minutes   17 Jul 15:06     Normal   17 Jul 15:02

opsTimestamp         Normal   10 minutes   10 minutes   17 Jul 15:27     Normal   17 Jul 15:22

qtreeTimestamp       Normal   8 hours      8 hours                                17 Jul 07:32

rbacTimestamp        Normal   1 day        1 day        17 Jul 14:05     Normal   16 Jul 15:32

userQuotaTimestamp   Normal   1 day        1 day        17 Jul 14:08     Normal   16 Jul 15:32

sanhostTimestamp     Normal   5 minutes    5 minutes                              17 Jul 15:27

snapmirrorTimestamp  Normal   30 minutes   30 minutes   17 Jul 15:04     Normal   17 Jul 15:02

snapshotTimestamp    Normal   30 minutes   30 minutes   17 Jul 15:05     Normal   17 Jul 15:02

statusTimestamp      Normal   10 minutes   10 minutes   17 Jul 15:30     Normal   17 Jul 15:22

sysInfoTimestamp     Normal   1 hour       1 hour       17 Jul 15:04     Normal   17 Jul 14:32

svTimestamp          Normal   30 minutes   30 minutes                             17 Jul 15:02

svMonTimestamp       Normal   8 hours      8 hours                                17 Jul 07:32

xmlQtreeTimestamp    Normal   8 hours      8 hours      17 Jul 14:10     Normal   17 Jul 07:32

vFilerTimestamp      Normal   1 hour       1 hour       17 Jul 15:06     Normal   17 Jul 14:32

vserverTimestamp     Normal   1 hour       1 hour                                 17 Jul 14:32

Performance Advisor Checklist

perfAdvisorEnabled     Passed 

hostType               Passed 

hostRevision           Passed 

hostLogin              Passed 

perfAdvisorTransport   Passed

Management Station

Version                          5.0.1 (5.0.1)

Executable Type                  64-bit

Serial Number                    1-50-130809

Edition                          Standard edition of DataFabric Manager server

Administrator Name            ********

Host Name                        *********************************

Host IP Address                  *******************

Host Full Name                   ***************************

Node limit                       250 (currently managing 20)

Operating System                 Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.8 (Tikanga) 2.6.18-308.8.2.el5 x86_64

CPU Count                        16

System Memory                    32166 MB (load excluding cached memory: 6%)

Installation Directory           /opt/NTAPdfm

                                 1008 GB free (93.4%)

Perf Data Directory              /opt/NTAPdfm/perfdata

Data Export Directory            /opt/NTAPdfm/dataExport

Database Backup Directory        /opt/NTAPdfm/data

Reports Archival Directory       /opt/NTAPdfm/reports

Licensed Features                DataFabric Manager server: installed

Installed Plugins                Storage System Config 6.5.1 (6.5.1) - storage systems and vFilers

                                 Storage System Config 6.5.2 (6.5.2) - storage systems and vFilers

                                 Storage System Config 6.5.3 (6.5.3) - storage systems and vFilers

                                 Storage System Config 6.5.4 (6.5.4) - storage systems and vFilers

                                 Storage System Config 6.5.5 (6.5.5) - storage systems and vFilers

                                 Storage System Config 6.5.6 (6.5.6) - storage systems and vFilers

                                 Storage System Config 6.5.7 (6.5.7) - storage systems and vFilers

                                 Storage System Config 7.0 ( - storage systems and vFilers

                                 Storage System Config 7.0.1 ( - storage systems and vFilers

                                 Storage System Config 7.0.2 (7.0.2) - storage systems and vFilers

                                 Storage System Config 7.0.3 (7.0.3) - storage systems and vFilers

                                 Storage System Config 7.0.4 (7.0.4) - storage systems and vFilers

                                 Storage System Config 7.0.5 (7.0.5) - storage systems and vFilers

                                 Storage System Config 7.0.6 (7.0.6) - storage systems and vFilers

                                 Storage System Config 7.0.7 (7.0.7) - storage systems and vFilers

                                 Storage System Config 7.1 ( - storage systems and vFilers

                                 Storage System Config 7.1.1 ( - storage systems and vFilers

                                 Storage System Config 7.1.2 ( - storage systems and vFilers

                                 Storage System Config 7.1.3 (7.1.3) - storage systems and vFilers

                                 Storage System Config 7.2 (7.2) - storage systems and vFilers

                                 Storage System Config 7.2.1 ( - storage systems and vFilers

                                 Storage System Config 7.2.2 (7.2.2) - storage systems and vFilers

                                 Storage System Config 7.2.3 (7.2.3) - storage systems and vFilers

                                 Storage System Config 7.2.4 (7.2.4) - storage systems and vFilers

                                 Storage System Config 7.2.5 ( - storage systems and vFilers

                                 Storage System Config 7.2.6 ( - storage systems and vFilers

                                 Storage System Config 7.2.7 (7.2.7) - storage systems and vFilers

                                 Storage System Config 7.3 (7.3) - storage systems and vFilers

                                 Storage System Config 7.3.1 ( - storage systems and vFilers

                                 Storage System Config 7.3.2 (7.3.2) - storage systems and vFilers

                                 Storage System Config 7.3.3 (7.3.3) - storage systems and vFilers

                                 Storage System Config 7.3.4 (7.3.4) - storage systems and vFilers

                                 Storage System Config 7.3.5 (7.3.5) - storage systems and vFilers

                                 Storage System Config 8.0 (8.0) - storage systems and vFilers

                                 Storage System Config 8.0.1 (8.0.1) - storage systems and vFilers

                                 Storage System Config 8.0.2 (8.0.2) - storage systems and vFilers

                                 Storage System Config 8.0.3 (8.0.3) - storage systems and vFilers

                                 Storage System Config 8.1 (8.1) - storage systems and vFilers

Global Status

Status Key               Last Updated Status Value

autosupport.installTime  29 Jun 10:39 2012-06-29 10:39:55.140669

autosupport.lastStatusSendTime 29 Jun 10:39 1341006695

autoThrottleMultiplier   29 Jun 10:40 100

dpSnapNameFormatVersion  29 Jun 10:40 1

events.purged.currentEvents 17 Jul 10:43 0

events.purged.dpJobProgressEvents 17 Jul 10:43 0

events.purged.dpJobs     17 Jul 10:43 0

events.purged.events     17 Jul 10:43 432

generationId             29 Jun 10:40 691

generationId.alonso      29 Jun 10:40 88

generationId.aquarius    29 Jun 10:40 1

generationId.aquarius-ms1 29 Jun 10:40 4

generationId.aquarius-ms2 29 Jun 10:40 25

generationId.aquarius-ms2new 29 Jun 10:40 18

generationId.aquarius-ms3 29 Jun 10:40 86

generationId.aquarius-ms4 29 Jun 10:40 11

generationId.aquarius-ms4-cba 29 Jun 10:40 3

generationId.asada       29 Jun 10:40 1

generationId.asada-config 29 Jun 10:40 1

generationId.baldi       29 Jun 10:40 51

generationId.beni        29 Jun 10:40 1

generationId.beni-ms3    29 Jun 10:40 5

generationId.carter      29 Jun 10:40 38

generationId.clark       29 Jun 10:40 42

generationId.daly-ms1    29 Jun 10:40 2

generationId.daly-ms2    29 Jun 10:40 4

generationId.daly-ms3    29 Jun 10:40 8

generationId.frederick   29 Jun 10:40 64

generationId.freya-reloaded 29 Jun 10:40 104

generationId.gayatri     29 Jun 10:40 21

generationId.guiredesign 29 Jun 10:40 1

generationId.hel         29 Jun 10:40 18

generationId.indra       29 Jun 10:40 30

generationId.isis        29 Jun 10:40 25

generationId.janak       29 Jun 10:40 5

generationId.janak-cloud 29 Jun 10:40 7

generationId.janneau     29 Jun 10:40 77

generationId.juno-cbsprint 29 Jun 10:40 4

generationId.juno-dc     29 Jun 10:40 1

generationId.juno-sprint1 29 Jun 10:40 1

generationId.juno-sprint3 29 Jun 10:40 1

generationId.juno-ssm    29 Jun 10:40 1

generationId.juno-ssm-sm-susp 29 Jun 10:40 2

generationId.juno-ssm-sprint4 29 Jun 10:40 4

generationId.kahlua      29 Jun 10:40 16

generationId.kakia       29 Jun 10:40 1

generationId.kakia-dc    29 Jun 10:40 3

generationId.kakia-sprint1 29 Jun 10:40 10

generationId.oldmonk     29 Jun 10:40 36

generationId.padataexport 29 Jun 10:40 4

generationId.pucker      29 Jun 10:40 7

groupCache.verifier.current 17 Jul 15:29 1814

groupChildCache.verifier.current 17 Jul 15:29 1814

history.rollup.aggrHistoryMonth 17 Jul 15:03 Timeslot 17 Jul 17:00: 59 records in 0.00318 seconds (18537 rps)

history.rollup.aggrHistoryQuarter 17 Jul 15:03 Timeslot 17 Jul 17:00: 59 records in 0.00338 seconds (17471 rps)

history.rollup.aggrHistoryWeek 17 Jul 15:03 Timeslot 17 Jul 17:00: 30 records in 0.00423 seconds (7086 rps)

history.rollup.aggrHistoryYear 17 Jul 15:03 Timeslot 18 Jul 17:00: 59 records in 0.00336 seconds (17581 rps)

history.rollup.cpuHistoryMonth 17 Jul 15:15 Timeslot 17 Jul 17:00: 237 records in 0.04 seconds (5922 rps)

history.rollup.cpuHistoryQuarter 17 Jul 15:15 Timeslot 17 Jul 17:00: 237 records in 0.00637 seconds (37229 rps)

history.rollup.cpuHistoryWeek 17 Jul 15:15 Timeslot 17 Jul 17:00: 232 records in 0.0269 seconds (8639 rps)

history.rollup.cpuHistoryYear 17 Jul 15:15 Timeslot 18 Jul 17:00: 241 records in 0.00617 seconds (39067 rps)

history.rollup.datatransferHistoryDay 17 Jul 15:03 Timeslot 17 Jul 15:15: 0 records in 0.00396 seconds (0 rps)

history.rollup.datatransferHistoryMonth 17 Jul 15:03 Timeslot 17 Jul 17:00: 0 records in 0.00272 seconds (0 rps)

history.rollup.datatransferHistoryQuarter 17 Jul 15:03 Timeslot 17 Jul 17:00: 0 records in 0.00235 seconds (0 rps)

history.rollup.datatransferHistoryWeek 17 Jul 15:03 Timeslot 17 Jul 17:00: 0 records in 0.00271 seconds (0 rps)

history.rollup.datatransferHistoryYear 17 Jul 15:03 Timeslot 18 Jul 17:00: 0 records in 0.00268 seconds (0 rps)

history.rollup.dfHistoryMonth 17 Jul 15:03 Timeslot 17 Jul 17:00: 2322 records in 0.144 seconds (16077 rps)

history.rollup.dfHistoryQuarter 17 Jul 15:03 Timeslot 17 Jul 17:00: 2322 records in 0.133 seconds (17450 rps)

history.rollup.dfHistoryWeek 17 Jul 15:03 Timeslot 17 Jul 17:00: 1324 records in 0.173 seconds (7659 rps)

history.rollup.dfHistoryYear 17 Jul 15:03 Timeslot 18 Jul 17:00: 2348 records in 0.127 seconds (18461 rps)

history.rollup.fcswHistoryMonth 17 Jul 15:15 Timeslot 17 Jul 17:00: 0 records in 0.00151 seconds (0 rps)

history.rollup.fcswHistoryQuarter 17 Jul 15:15 Timeslot 17 Jul 17:00: 0 records in 0.00143 seconds (0 rps)

history.rollup.fcswHistoryWeek 17 Jul 15:15 Timeslot 17 Jul 17:00: 0 records in 0.00215 seconds (0 rps)

history.rollup.fcswHistoryYear 17 Jul 15:15 Timeslot 18 Jul 17:00: 0 records in 0.00144 seconds (0 rps)

history.rollup.historyMonth 17 Jul 15:27 Timeslot 17 Jul 17:00: 1239 records in 0.11 seconds (11284 rps)

history.rollup.historyQuarter 17 Jul 15:27 Timeslot 17 Jul 17:00: 1241 records in 0.0619 seconds (20063 rps)

history.rollup.historyWeek 17 Jul 15:27 Timeslot 17 Jul 17:00: 1170 records in 0.107 seconds (10926 rps)

history.rollup.historyYear 17 Jul 15:27 Timeslot 18 Jul 17:00: 1254 records in 0.0428 seconds (29290 rps)

history.rollup.ifHistoryMonth 17 Jul 15:15 Timeslot 17 Jul 17:00: 74 records in 0.00338 seconds (21895 rps)

history.rollup.ifHistoryQuarter 17 Jul 15:15 Timeslot 17 Jul 17:00: 74 records in 0.00332 seconds (22317 rps)

history.rollup.ifHistoryWeek 17 Jul 15:15 Timeslot 17 Jul 17:00: 71 records in 0.00688 seconds (10321 rps)

history.rollup.ifHistoryYear 17 Jul 15:15 Timeslot 18 Jul 17:00: 74 records in 0.0031 seconds (23862 rps)

history.rollup.initiatorHistoryMonth 17 Jul 15:15 Timeslot 17 Jul 17:00: 0 records in 0.00169 seconds (0 rps)

history.rollup.initiatorHistoryQuarter 17 Jul 15:15 Timeslot 17 Jul 17:00: 0 records in 0.00134 seconds (0 rps)

history.rollup.initiatorHistoryWeek 17 Jul 15:15 Timeslot 17 Jul 17:00: 0 records in 0.00178 seconds (0 rps)

history.rollup.initiatorHistoryYear 17 Jul 15:15 Timeslot 18 Jul 17:00: 0 records in 0.00147 seconds (0 rps)

history.rollup.lifHistoryMonth 17 Jul 15:15 Timeslot 17 Jul 17:00: 0 records in 0.00125 seconds (0 rps)

history.rollup.lifHistoryQuarter 17 Jul 15:15 Timeslot 17 Jul 17:00: 0 records in 0.00124 seconds (0 rps)

history.rollup.lifHistoryWeek 17 Jul 15:15 Timeslot 17 Jul 17:00: 0 records in 0.00139 seconds (0 rps)

history.rollup.lifHistoryYear 17 Jul 15:15 Timeslot 18 Jul 17:00: 0 records in 0.00151 seconds (0 rps)

history.rollup.lunHistoryMonth 17 Jul 15:03 Timeslot 17 Jul 17:00: 221 records in 0.00789 seconds (28010 rps)

history.rollup.lunHistoryQuarter 17 Jul 15:03 Timeslot 17 Jul 17:00: 221 records in 0.00649 seconds (34046 rps)

history.rollup.lunHistoryWeek 17 Jul 15:03 Timeslot 17 Jul 17:00: 160 records in 0.0153 seconds (10434 rps)

history.rollup.lunHistoryYear 17 Jul 15:03 Timeslot 18 Jul 17:00: 224 records in 0.00686 seconds (32639 rps)

history.rollup.perfThreshViolationHistoryMonth 17 Jul 15:15 Timeslot 17 Jul 17:00: 0 records in 0.00132 seconds (0 rps)

history.rollup.perfThreshViolationHistoryQuarter 17 Jul 15:15 Timeslot 17 Jul 17:00: 0 records in 0.00112 seconds (0 rps)

history.rollup.perfThreshViolationHistoryWeek 17 Jul 15:15 Timeslot 17 Jul 17:00: 0 records in 0.00129 seconds (0 rps)

history.rollup.perfThreshViolationHistoryYear 17 Jul 15:15 Timeslot 18 Jul 17:00: 0 records in 0.00151 seconds (0 rps)

history.rollup.qtreeHistoryMonth 17 Jul 15:27 Timeslot 17 Jul 17:00: 0 records in 0.00169 seconds (0 rps)

history.rollup.qtreeHistoryQuarter 17 Jul 15:27 Timeslot 17 Jul 17:00: 0 records in 0.00143 seconds (0 rps)

history.rollup.qtreeHistoryWeek 17 Jul 15:27 Timeslot 17 Jul 17:00: 0 records in 0.00174 seconds (0 rps)

history.rollup.qtreeHistoryYear 17 Jul 15:27 Timeslot 18 Jul 17:00: 0 records in 0.00143 seconds (0 rps)

history.rollup.quotaHistoryMonth 17 Jul 15:27 Timeslot 17 Jul 17:00: 0 records in 0.00219 seconds (0 rps)

history.rollup.quotaHistoryQuarter 17 Jul 15:27 Timeslot 17 Jul 17:00: 0 records in 0.00199 seconds (0 rps)

history.rollup.quotaHistoryWeek 17 Jul 15:27 Timeslot 17 Jul 17:00: 0 records in 0.00239 seconds (0 rps)

history.rollup.quotaHistoryYear 17 Jul 15:27 Timeslot 18 Jul 17:00: 0 records in 0.00206 seconds (0 rps)

history.rollup.snapmirrorHistoryMonth 17 Jul 15:03 Timeslot 17 Jul 17:00: 15 records in 0.00194 seconds (7748 rps)

history.rollup.snapmirrorHistoryQuarter 17 Jul 15:03 Timeslot 17 Jul 17:00: 15 records in 0.00194 seconds (7748 rps)

history.rollup.snapmirrorHistoryWeek 17 Jul 15:03 Timeslot 17 Jul 17:00: 1 records in 0.00312 seconds (320 rps)

history.rollup.snapmirrorHistoryYear 17 Jul 15:03 Timeslot 18 Jul 17:00: 15 records in 0.00204 seconds (7367 rps)

history.rollup.vfilerHistoryMonth 17 Jul 15:21 Timeslot 17 Jul 17:00: 217 records in 0.0284 seconds (7635 rps)

history.rollup.vfilerHistoryQuarter 17 Jul 15:21 Timeslot 17 Jul 17:00: 217 records in 0.00541 seconds (40127 rps)

history.rollup.vfilerHistoryWeek 17 Jul 15:21 Timeslot 17 Jul 17:00: 75 records in 0.00756 seconds (9924 rps)

history.rollup.vfilerHistoryYear 17 Jul 15:21 Timeslot 18 Jul 17:00: 221 records in 0.00564 seconds (39219 rps)

history.rollup.volHistoryMonth 17 Jul 15:03 Timeslot 17 Jul 17:00: 1101 records in 0.069 seconds (15948 rps)

history.rollup.volHistoryQuarter 17 Jul 15:03 Timeslot 17 Jul 17:00: 1101 records in 0.064 seconds (17213 rps)

history.rollup.volHistoryWeek 17 Jul 15:03 Timeslot 17 Jul 17:00: 631 records in 0.0859 seconds (7348 rps)

history.rollup.volHistoryYear 17 Jul 15:03 Timeslot 18 Jul 17:00: 1114 records in 0.0737 seconds (15118 rps)

history.stats.aggrHistory 17 Jul 09:18 0.136 seconds

history.stats.cpuHistory 17 Jul 06:13 0.309 seconds

history.stats.datatransferHistory 17 Jul 01:05 0.00137 seconds

history.stats.dfHistory  17 Jul 07:14 2.81 seconds

history.stats.fcswHistory 17 Jul 04:10 0.00146 seconds

history.stats.history    16 Jul 20:59 1.27 seconds

history.stats.ifHistory  17 Jul 03:08 0.117 seconds

history.stats.initiatorHistory 17 Jul 05:12 0.00131 seconds

history.stats.lifHistory 17 Jul 12:22 0.00139 seconds

history.stats.lunHistory 17 Jul 02:07 0.308 seconds

history.stats.perfThreshViolationHistory 17 Jul 11:20 0.00158 seconds

history.stats.qtreeHistory 16 Jul 22:01 0.00133 seconds

history.stats.quotaHistory 16 Jul 23:02 0.00129 seconds

history.stats.snapmirrorHistory 17 Jul 00:05 0.0536 seconds

history.stats.vfilerHistory 17 Jul 10:19 0.121 seconds

history.stats.volHistory 17 Jul 08:16 2.8 seconds

hostservice.internal_username 29 Jun 10:40 HSAdmin3858405350

isDfmVersionRegular      29 Jun 10:40 Yes

licensesMigrated         29 Jun 10:39 1

monitor.dbck.checkObjFlags 17 Jul 12:26 succeeded=4 failed=0 elapsed=0s

monitor.dbck.consolidateHistory 17 Jul 15:32 succeeded=246 failed=0 elapsed=33s

monitor.dbck.deleteDupQuotaUsers 17 Jul 15:31 succeeded=90 failed=0 elapsed=0s

monitor.dbck.mgmtStationName 17 Jul 15:28 succeeded=24 failed=0 elapsed=0s

monitor.dbck.preCacheGroups 17 Jul 15:22 succeeded=89 failed=0 elapsed=0s

monitor.dbck.pruneUsageMetricHistory 17 Jul 11:12 succeeded=1 failed=0 elapsed=0s

monitor.dbck.rebuildHistoryStatistics 17 Jul 15:27 succeeded=24 failed=0 elapsed=1s

monitor.dbck.removeOrphans 17 Jul 15:04 succeeded=24 failed=0 elapsed=0s

monitor.dbck.verifyDbcache 17 Jul 15:29 succeeded=25 failed=0 elapsed=0s

monitor.discover.network 29 Jun 13:37 none

objectMap.verifier.current 17 Jul 15:29 44

perf.threshviolation.update 17 Jul 15:24 

postTransformLogicSuccess 29 Jun 10:39 1

postupgrade.app_policies.create_samples 29 Jun 10:40 no

postupgrade.dp_policies.create_samples 29 Jun 10:40 no

postupgrade.prov_policies.create_samples 29 Jun 10:40 no

postupgrade.storage_services.create_samples 29 Jun 10:40 no

Global Options

Option Name              Option Value

autosupportMonInterval   00:02:00

agentMonInterval         00:02:00

cfMonInterval            00:05:00

clusterMonInterval       00:15:00

cpuMonInterval           00:05:00

dfMonInterval            00:30:00

snapshotMonInterval      00:30:00

diskMonInterval          04:00:00

envMonInterval           00:05:00

fcMonInterval            00:05:00

fsMonInterval            00:15:00

ifMonInterval            00:15:00

licenseMonInterval       04:00:00

lunMonInterval           00:30:00

opsMonInterval           00:10:00

pingMonInterval          00:01:00

qtreeMonInterval         08:00:00

SANHostMonInterval       00:05:00

snapmirrorMonInterval    00:30:00

statusMonInterval        00:10:00

sysInfoMonInterval       01:00:00

userQuotaMonInterval     1:00:00:00

snapvaultMonInterval     00:30:00

srmMonInterval           00:10:00

shareMonInterval         01:00:00

ccMonInterval            04:00:00

vFilerMonInterval        01:00:00

vserverMonInterval       01:00:00

clusterMonInterval       00:15:00

backupDirMonInterval     08:00:00

ndmpMonInterval          00:30:00

dsConformanceMonInterval 01:00:00

dsDRMonInterval          00:15:00

dsProtectionMonInterval  00:15:00

respoolSpaceMonInterval  01:00:00

hostRBACMonInterval      1:00:00:00

dpReaperInterval         00:30:00

isHsAliveMonInterval     00:01:00

dsUsageMetricMonInterval 2:00:00

authUsePam               Yes

autosupportAdminContact  ****************************

autosupportContent       minimal

autosupportDestinationURL support.netapp.com/asupprod/post/1.0/postAsup

autosupportDestinationEmail autosupport@netapp.com

autosupportEnabled       No

autosupportProtocol      smtp

autosupportRetryCount    4

autosupportRetryDelay    00:15:00

autosupportIncludePerf   Yes

autosupportIncludeProv   No

autosupportIncludeVirtual No

autosupportIncludeAllDiagInfo No

preferredIPAddressType   IPv4

dpReBaselineMode         Confirm

dpReaperCleanupMode      Orphans


discoverInterval         00:15:00

discoverTimeout          00:00:05

discoverEnabled          Yes

discoverNetworks         No

networkDiscoveryLimit    15

discoverAgents           No

discoverClusters         Yes

discoverVfilers          Yes

discoverSAN              Yes

discoverHosts            No

discoverHostInitEnabled  Yes

SMTPServerName           *********************************


SMTPServerPort           25

monMinFreePercent        10.0

monMinFreeBytes          10000.0


cpuTooBusyThreshold      95

cpuBusyThresholdInterval 00:15:00

qtreeFullThreshold       90

qtreeFullThresholdInterval 00:00:00

qtreeNearlyFullThreshold 80

qtreeGrowthEventMinChangePct 1

aggrFullThreshold        90

aggrFullThresholdInterval 00:00:00

aggrNearlyFullThreshold  80

aggrOvercommittedThreshold 100

aggrNearlyOvercommittedThreshold 95

aggrSnapshotFullThreshold 90

aggrSnapshotNearlyFullThreshold 80

volFullThreshold         90

volFullThresholdInterval 00:00:00

volNearlyFullThreshold   80

volGrowthEventMinChangePct 10

volNearlyOvercommittedThreshold 95

volOvercommittedThreshold 100

nodesRemainingWarningThreshold 1

provMgrNodesRemainingWarningThreshold 1

protMgrNodesRemainingWarningThreshold 1

volSnapshotFullThreshold 90

volNoFirstSnapThreshold  90

volNearlyNoFirstSnapThreshold 80

volReserveDepletedThreshold 90

volReserveNearlyDepletedThreshold 80

volSnapshotCountThreshold 250

volSnapshotTooOldThreshold 364:00:00:00

licenseExpireWarningThreshold 5

guiRefreshInterval       00:05:00

growthRateSensitivity    2

pingMonTimeout           3

pingMonRetryDelay        3

hostPingMethod           all

profileTTL               45:00:00:00

credCacheTTL             00:20:00

ldapEnabled              No




ldapVersion              3

ldapUID                  UID


ldapUGID                 CN

ldapMember               uniqueMember

filerConfigSaveLocalChanges yes

chargebackIncrement      Daily


currencyFormat           $ #,###.##

chargebackDayOfMonth     1


userEnableAlerts         yes

userFullThreshold        90

userNearlyFullThreshold  80

httpEnabled              No

httpPort                 8080

httpsEnabled             Yes

httpsPort                443

webUIPort                8123

hostLoginProtocol        ssh

hostAdminTransport       https

hostAdminPort            443

hostEnclosureDiscoveryEvents Disabled

agentHostTransport       https

agentHostPort            4092

agentHostLogin           guest





alertFrom                **********************

hbaportTooBusyThreshold  90

SANHostMonSnapshotLUNs   Yes

srmLargestFiles          20

srmLeastRecentlyModifiedFiles 20

srmLeastRecentlyAccessedFiles 20

srmRecentlyModifiedFiles 20

srmLargestDirs           100

perfAdvisorEnabled       Yes

perfAdvisorTransport     httpsOk

perfAdvisorPollInterval  00:05:00

perfAdvisorMaxMonitorThreads 32

perfArchiveDir           /opt/NTAPdfm/perfdata

perfAdvisorShowDiagCounters Yes

perfAdvisorShowAllViews  No

serverHTTPSEnabled       Yes

serverHTTPEnabled        Yes

serverHTTPPort           8088

serverHTTPSPort          8488

serverCertAuthEnabled    Yes

hsNotificationsPurgingInterval 86400

hsNotificationsMaxCount  100000


ownerEmailFieldName      ownerEmail

snmpTrapListenerPort     162

snmpTrapRcvdMaxPerWindow 250

snmpTrapRcvdWindowSize   00:05:00

eventsPurgeInterval      1:00:00:00

snmpTrapListenerEnabled  Yes


monSNMPTimeout           5

monSNMPRetries           4

groupTreeShowStatus      Enabled




databaseBackupDbengWaitTime 600

backupRetentionCount     0

auditLogForever          No

auditLogEnabled          Yes

serverAPILogExclude      host-service-discover|dfm-about

respoolFullThreshold     90

respoolNearlyFullThreshold 80

useHostsEquiv            No


pmQSMBackupPreferred     No

dpDynamicSecondarySizing Yes

dpMaxFanInRatio          1

vFilerRootVolumeSizeMb   50

ndmpDataUseAllInterfaces 0

favoriteMaxReports       25

recentMaxReports         25

defReportLinesPerPage    20

maxReportLinesPerPage    1000


snapshotDiscoveryEventsEnabled No


dfmDataExportEnabled     No

perfDataExportEnabled    No

perfAdvThreshViolationMonInterval 00:00:15:00

enableFQDNInFilerViewLinks Yes

volNearlyOverDeduplicatedThreshold 140

volOverDeduplicatedThreshold 150

aggrNearlyOverDeduplicatedThreshold 140

aggrOverDeduplicatedThreshold 150

dpRestoreTransfersPerHost 8

processHostPrimaryAddress warn

processOSSVPrimaryAddress warn

pmUseSDUCompatibleSnapshotNames No



perfSampleRate1          00:00:1:00

perfSampleRate2          00:00:5:00

perfSampleRate3          00:00:15:00

perfSampleRate4          00:00:30:00

perfMaxObjectInstancesInBarChart 20

autoClientStatEnabled    No

clientStatCpuThreshold   80

clientStatTotalOpsRate   30

clientStatThresholdPeriod 300

clientStatNfsLatency     30

clientStatCifsLatency    30

clientStatMinTotalOpsRate 500

dpSnapNameFormat         %T_%R_%L_%H_%N_%A

dpSnapNameOption         global-format



dpPriVolNameOption       global-format

dpSecVolNameOption       global-format

dpPriVolNameFormat       %L

dpSecVolNameFormat       %V



hostClockSkewedThreshold 60

hostClockNearlySkewedThreshold 30



dpSecQtreeNameFormat     %Q


dsUsageMetricIoInterval  1:00:00:00

dsUsageMetricSpaceInterval 1:00:00:00

reportDesignPath         /opt/NTAPdfm/reports/


snapmirrorLagErrorThreshold 172800

snapmirrorLagWarningThreshold 129600

webUIMinHeapSizeMB       256

webUIMaxHeapSizeMB       1024

webUIMinPermGenSizeMB    128

webUIMaxPermGenSizeMB    512

Object Counts

Object Type                    Count

Administrator                  5

Aggregate                      62

App Policy                     2

Array LUNs                     0

Backup jobs started within last week 0

Clusters                       0

Datasets containing generic app objects 0

Datasets containing generic app objects and with storage service attached 0

Datasets with application policy attached 0

Datasets with storage service attached 0

Disks                          2460

DP Managed OSSV Rels           0

DP Managed SnapMirror Rels     0

DP Managed SnapVault Rels      0

DP Policy                      36

DP Schedule                    18

DP Throttle                    2

FCP Target                     32

Host                           237

Initiator Group                113

interface                      433

Lun Path                       225

Mgmt Station                   1

Mirror                         15

Mount jobs started within last week 0

Network                        4

OSSV Hosts                     0

OSSV Rels                      0

Primary Storage Systems        17

Prov Policy                    16

Qtree                          3040

Qtrees in DP Managed QtreeSnapMirror Rel 0

Qtrees in DP Managed SnapVault Rel 0

Qtrees in QtreeSnapMirror Rel  12

Qtrees in SnapVault Rel        0

Resource Group                 2

Resource Pool                  2

Restore jobs started within last week 0

Role                           32

Secondary Storage Systems      12

SnapMirror Rels                15

SnapVault Rels                 0

Storage Service                16

Unmount jobs started within last week 0

UserQuota                      0

vFilers                        217

Virtual Servers                0

Volume                         1131

Volumes in DP Managed VolumeSnapMirror Rel 0

Volumes in VolumeSnapMirror Rel 18

Zapi Hosts                     20

Monitoring Timestamps

Timestamp Name       Status   Interval     Default      Last Updated     Status   Error if older than ...

ccTimestamp          Normal   4 hours      4 hours                                17 Jul 11:34

cfTimestamp          Normal   5 minutes    5 minutes    17 Jul 15:34     Normal   17 Jul 15:29

clusterTimestamp     Normal   15 minutes   15 minutes                             17 Jul 15:19

cpuTimestamp         Normal   5 minutes    5 minutes    17 Jul 15:34     Normal   17 Jul 15:29

dfTimestamp          Normal   30 minutes   30 minutes   17 Jul 15:34     Normal   17 Jul 15:04

diskTimestamp        Normal   4 hours      4 hours      17 Jul 14:55     Normal   17 Jul 11:34

envTimestamp         Normal   5 minutes    5 minutes    17 Jul 15:34     Normal   17 Jul 15:29

fsTimestamp          Normal   15 minutes   15 minutes   17 Jul 15:34     Normal   17 Jul 15:19

hostPingTimestamp    Normal   1 minute     1 minute     17 Jul 15:34     Normal   17 Jul 15:33

ifTimestamp          Normal   15 minutes   15 minutes   17 Jul 15:34     Normal   17 Jul 15:19

licenseTimestamp     Normal   4 hours      4 hours      17 Jul 15:07     Normal   17 Jul 11:34

lunTimestamp         Normal   30 minutes   30 minutes   17 Jul 15:33     Normal   17 Jul 15:04

opsTimestamp         Normal   10 minutes   10 minutes   17 Jul 15:34     Normal   17 Jul 15:24

qtreeTimestamp       Normal   8 hours      8 hours                                17 Jul 07:34

rbacTimestamp        Normal   1 day        1 day        17 Jul 15:33     Normal   16 Jul 15:34

userQuotaTimestamp   Normal   1 day        1 day        17 Jul 15:34     Normal   16 Jul 15:34

sanhostTimestamp     Normal   5 minutes    5 minutes                              17 Jul 15:29

snapmirrorTimestamp  Normal   30 minutes   30 minutes   17 Jul 15:34     Normal   17 Jul 15:04

snapshotTimestamp    Normal   30 minutes   30 minutes   17 Jul 15:33     Normal   17 Jul 15:04

statusTimestamp      Normal   10 minutes   10 minutes   17 Jul 15:34     Normal   17 Jul 15:24

sysInfoTimestamp     Normal   1 hour       1 hour       17 Jul 15:30     Normal   17 Jul 14:34

svTimestamp          Normal   30 minutes   30 minutes                             17 Jul 15:04

svMonTimestamp       Normal   8 hours      8 hours                                17 Jul 07:34

xmlQtreeTimestamp    Normal   8 hours      8 hours      17 Jul 15:34     Normal   17 Jul 07:34

vFilerTimestamp      Normal   1 hour       1 hour       17 Jul 15:34     Normal   17 Jul 14:34

vserverTimestamp     Normal   1 hour       1 hour                                 17 Jul 14:34


monitordb.db                     296 MB

dbFileVersion                    10

ConnCount                        55 connections

MaxCacheSize                     16469312 KBytes

CurrentCacheSize                 276144 KBytes

PeakCacheSize                    276144 KBytes

PageSize                         8192 Bytes

Cluster Details

Object Type                    Count

Clusters                       0

Controllers                    0

Virtual Systems                0

Volumes (All)                  0

Striped Volumes                0

Aggregates (All)               0

Striped Aggregates             0

Logical Interfaces (All)       0

Interface Groups               0

Ports (All)                    0

Physical Disk Details        

Total Capacity                 0 bytes

Total Used                     0 bytes


discovery      2.59 KB 29 Jun 13:36

dfmmonitor     2.45 MB 17 Jul 15:34

dfmeventd      285 KB 17 Jul 15:27

dfmserver      27.6 KB 16 Jul 14:53

dfmscheduler   822 bytes 16 Jul 14:51

dfmwatchdog    281 KB 17 Jul 14:39

dfm            21.2 KB 17 Jul 15:31

sybase         544 KB 17 Jul 15:31

pingmon        52.4 KB 17 Jul 13:39

audit          1.01 MB 17 Jul 15:34

vfmon          758 KB 17 Jul 15:34


sql        Normal Started

webui      Normal Started

http       Normal Started

eventd     Normal Started

monitor    Normal Started

scheduler  Normal Started

server     Normal Started

watchdog   Normal Started

Time Since Confirmed Alive

Eventd     0 seconds

Monitor    23 seconds

Scheduler  0 seconds

Server     1 second

Watchdog   1 second


There are no events that have warning severity or worse.

DP Job Information

Job State                        Count

Jobs Running                     0

Jobs Completed Total             0

Jobs Aborted Total               0

Jobs Aborting Total              0

Jobs Completed Today             0

Jobs Aborted Today               0

Jobs Aborting Today              0

Dataset Protection Status

Protection State                 Count

Protected                        0

Unprotected                      0

Event Counts

Table                            Count

Events                           19058

Current Events                   18623

Abnormal Events                  22

Event Type Counts

Event Type                 Count

volume.growthrate          1156

df.avail                   1152

snap-status                1150

df.kbytes                  1131

volume.first-snap          1122

df.snapshot.kbytes         1121

snap-sched-sm              1121

volume.next-snapshot       1121

snap-sched-sv              1121

df.inodes                  1121

Version                          5.0.1 (5.0.1)




you need to have deafult quotas for volume set and quotas enabled.

Basically if you have proper access from DFM to the filer, and you are able to run quota report on the filer, DFM will show you capacities on qtrees as well.
