ONTAP Discussions

Question about Snapdrive\SMSQL CDOT and the nfs namespace


I'd like to get rid of FC luns in my environment and we currently moving to a new netapp storage system on CDOT (8.2.1), just wondering if anyone can help or advise on the best way.

Currently we use snapdrive/SMSQL combo for taking snapshots of luns but with the new namespace feature with CDOT and NFS I tried the following..............

NFS Mounted into esx 5.5, I added the following datastores mounted in the root of the namespace.




For a test SQL server named SQLTEST1 with Snapdrive and SMSQL I created the following volumes and mounted into the namespace under the volumes above


------------------------------------   SQLTEST1_SQLDATA


------------------------------------   SQLTEST1_SQLLOGS


------------------------------------   SQLTEST1_SNAPINFO

In ESX I relocated VMDKS drives for SQLDATA,LOGS and SNAPINFO into their respective SQLTEST1_X folders, so now each VMDK was located on its own datastore.

Great so now snapdrive/SMSQL should talk to the storage and snap the distinct volumes where the VMDK's reside? Only it doesn't it simply snaps the volumes mounted at into ESX and doesn't follow the junctions in the namespace.

Does anyone out there know of anyway I can make this work? Is snapdrive still not aware of the namespace in CDOT and can't tell that it is in fact a distinct netapp volume under a junction.

This would be the neatest solution I can think of for getting rid of luns and still using snapdrive/SMSQL, does anyone know if this likely to ever work in future release?

Thanks in advance for anyone who can offer up any guidance\assistance.



Hi, I had similar discussion with the support team about deployment of Exchange in a VM over SMB and in that case there is no possibility to use SnapManager. Only deployment over SAN Is supported. I guess it is the same situation with VMWare. Also check Microsoft compatibility, there is a big chance that such deployment is not supported by them


This is still an open question for us, so wanted to bump it to see what the current status is.


Can't really see any reason why this shouldn't be supported if the Snapdrive tools are namespace aware.


Would be interested to know if there is anyone knows of any plans to support this kind of configuration.


Or if anyone from Netapp can advise on why it would be a bad idea?
