I have randomly this error when i try to backup (with verification) my Exchange 2k7 database with snap drive 6.3 and SME 6.0.
It's a random problem. Sometimes it works very good and sometimes i receive this message.
I don't understand when SSL/TLS is used ? and if it is a snapdrive or a snap manager connection problem (for exemple : with vCenter ?)
When i mount a snapshot for restoration there is absolutetly no problem with disk mounting.
Could you please help me to find a solution ?
Thank you in advance.
SnapManager backup finished with the following result:
Backup group set #1:
Backup SG/DB [First Storage Group] Error: Failed to verify physical integrity of the databases.
Backup SG/DB [Second Storage Group] OK
Backup group set #1:
Backup SG/DB [First Storage Group]: Backup OK, verification failed
Backup SG/DB [Second Storage Group]: OK
Backup failed.[SnapDrive Error]:Failed to create disk in virtual machine, Failed to Map virtual disk: La demande a été abandonnée : Impossible de créer un canal sécurisé SSL/TLS..
Failed to connect the LUN in Snapshot copy (exchsnap__dc01_03-18-2011_13.08.53__daily) as drive Z on the computer (DC01).
Storage Path = /vol/RDM_FAS01_EXCH_DB/
Protocol Type = LUN
Storage System Name = fas01
Error code : Failed to create disk in virtual machine, Failed to Map virtual disk: La demande a été abandonnée : Impossible de créer un canal sécurisé SSL/TLS..