ONTAP Discussions
ONTAP Discussions
Is there anyway to redo 'acp' without running the setup command? I ran options acp.enabled on then cancelled out of the wizard because I wasn't quite ready and then did options acp.enabled off. Trying to do options acp.enabled on later, I'm no longer prompted for the wizard. I read on one of the docs mentioned here that I can just run setup but that seems a bit extreme to redo all the configs just to redo acp, is there any alternative way to configure acp?
Solved! See The Solution
Ok I discovered acpadmin configure all good now thanks!
It is ok to completely reconfigure acp... often if issues we just start over from scratch.. but with the latest ontap versions it all works nicely. In earlier ACP supported ONTAP versions we had some issues with different subnets used and other burts that have all been fixed for a while. ACP needs to add all the routes and IPs to each module so not an issue setting up over again. It doesn't affect front-end user operations so no risk setting up again.
Thanks Scott, could you confirm that setup is the right command to start acp from scratch?
FilerA> setup
The setup command will rewrite the /etc/rc, /etc/exports,
/etc/hosts, /etc/hosts.equiv, /etc/dgateways, /etc/nsswitch.conf,
and /etc/resolv.conf files, saving the original contents of
these files in .bak files (e.g. /etc/exports.bak).
Are you sure you want to continue? [yes] no
It seems a bit much if all I'd like to focus on is acp, do I really need to rerun setup on a FilerA, which is in production and clustered, or is there something more direct?
Ok I discovered acpadmin configure all good now thanks!