ONTAP Discussions
ONTAP Discussions
I have an issue with oncommand to restore a VM.
We backup with oncommand datastores residing in a vfiler.
the snapvault relationship is done from vfiler0 to vfiler0 as a backoffice task. the destination volume is owned by a vfiler because of customer access.
When we intend to restore a VM, Oncommand wants to mount the cloned qtree, but only via the default admin interface
Job Description:
Restore 1 members for dataset BackupVM_G2_t1 from backup 100.
Event Description:
Host Service:
Error Message:
fcernsvsccust02.cust.fce.lcl: OnCommandHSVMware: hsRestore2 bec36803eeeafbecf879cee2996951e6: Error mounting as datastore 9c70bb0f-a794-4b8c-baf3-d3fc3df81e78 to fcernscustesx10.cust.fce.lcl. Check the vSphere Client for any error messages.
we played with preferred address, no way
any idea?
We are having the same issue:
Event Id: 8578
Event Status: error
Event Type: host-service-operation-progress
Job Id: 1119
Timestamp: 05 Nov 2012 13:33:04
Error Message: NAHS01.domain.net: OnCommandHSVMware: hsRestore0 317c6d582d06705771b9d5459b642f1b: Error mounting as datastore ca538b91-62d5-4e05-8865-936b64077671 to lab-vh01.dotl.ncl.net. Check the vSphere Client for any error messages.
Host Service Id: 130
Host Service Name: NAHS01.domain.net
The IP referenced is the e0M management interface. In our design, we have designated separate VIF's for Storage Interfaces (CIFS,NFS,iSCSI), each interface is either firewalled or is a non-routable network, as is the case for our NFS Storage Networks for our Virtual Infrastructure. Only management functions and therefore communication flows are able to connect to the e0M Management interface.
1. To my knowledge, the preferred interface is used in QSM and VSM. I don't know if there are other Settings\Options available to specify a preferred interface for NFS or iSCSI Mounts. Without havings some way to specify an interface to use, VM Restores will not function in our environment.
2. Does the nfs.export.auto-update have to be set to On for DFM\Host Services to be able to function?
3. If we are using multiple interfaces, do those interfaces have to be accessible by DFM\Host Services so that DFM\HS can communicate through the interfaces using SNMP\HTTPS\NDMP?
Please open a support case and request it be attached to bug #580933.
OnCommand Unified Manager (Host/Core) is unable to successfully restore a virtual server backup when the OnCommand UM Core server cannot reach the NFS export where the datastore resides.
Hello Kryan,
We found the issue. The volume we want to restore a VM from is in a vfiler. And in Oncommand 5.1, there is a limitation. in a vfiler, NFS mount by an ESX (via Host package) can only be mounted on the same interface as the primary address.
Hope it will be usefull for others.
Best regards.