ONTAP Discussions
ONTAP Discussions
The session SSH putty works with the serial cable but not through the BMC Port, on two FAS2552 controllers 8.3RC1)
BMC have been rebooted, but SSH is not possible (typing root and password and after the ssh putty windows immediately closes).
Best Regards
Ok, so you are running cdot with 8.3rc1.
Can you log into cluster over mgmt lif
if so type - system service-processor ssh show
system service-process show -instance
I cannot login to BMC over Mgmt Port
I just can login over console port with a laptop..
Is this a brand new cdot cluster? So there is no setup yet, just SP
Yes its a new system.
I just started the setup management interface port e0M.
Now, the system is on remote site, so i want to connect over SSH but its not possible
In cDOT the user for SP/BMC is admin. In some cases if the cluster is not yet up and running it could be naroot as in 7mode. So please try to log on using the user admin and if you get disconnected again, use naroot. One of those two will work.
Best Regards
Asuming BMC/SP is already configured via Serial Console or has a DHCP IP address...
Thanks for your answers.
BMC already has an IP address that has been set by the technician on site.
He configured the admin password.
I can connect but then authenticate the SSH window closes immediately
That usually happens in 7-mode if someone is on the cli..
But for the SP it will prompt you for disonnect. Can you make sure the remote support person isn't on the SP
The remote support person isn't connect on the SP but only connected trough one Serial console of the 2 controllers.
Same issue on both controllers..
Hmm.. it's probably something simple at this point.. have him reboot the controller and disconnect his serial cable
Not sure..
By my site, my putty software iis OK : Actual version : Release 0.61
(version SSH-2 support has been available in PuTTY since version 0.50)
"The Data ONTAP 8.2 release family supports OpenSSH client version 5.4p1 and OpenSSH server version 5.4p1.
Only the SSH v2 protocol is supported; SSH v1 is not supported."
Remove me doubt : BMC is the first step, after SP can be configured ?
I'm using putty as well.. ALso, i thought there is no more bmc, it's all considered SP at this point..