ONTAP Discussions

START_TLS disruptive or not?



We want to convert our AD authentication to use start_tls.


I found this document that tells me how to do so https://docs.netapp.com/us-en/ontap/pdfs/sidebar/Configure_LDAP_over_TLS.pdf


I assume this process is disruptive to CIFS connections as it involves changing domain authentication but I cant seem to find anywhere concrete that says it is or not. So does anyone know if it is or is not?




Typically, a CIFS connection made with the old authentication method will remain valid as long as there is at least one file open. Once disconnected, any new connections will use the new authentication settings. That's not hard and fast, as some code levels may prevent opening any new files on existing connections, and any new connections will use the new settings. All-in-all it is safer to assume disruption and make the change after hours.

Daniel Rich | Manager
Enterprise Storage and Data Protection
Citizens Property Insurance Corporation
Mobile: 904.373.8855
Work: 904.328.2555

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