ONTAP Discussions

SnapManager for exchange, restore from dr filer


Hi, im trying to figure out how to restore exchange-database using snapmanager for exchange.

Snapmanager congifured to backup to a local filer and to remote filer (DR) for long term backups solution.

This configuration was set up long time ago using Data Fabric Manager. While I'm trying to restore the database using DFM Management Console its starting "ndmpcopy" between DR_filer and Local_filer and at the end, the data over the lun in the Local_filer is corrupted due to network connectivity issues.

Now I'm trying doing that through the SME. I can see in the backup wizard the snapshot that located on the DR_filer and start to restore the DB but its failed in the proccess. I can see with netstat that port 445 is blocked to the DR_filer(by crossbeam firewall).

I need to know what is the proccess of restoring from DR_filer ,assuming I opened up the port between the remote sites.

The lun that resides in the DR_filer is mapped directly to the exchange server? or its moving the files to the local_filer and then mapping the lun?

It's very important issue because the DR_filer is not connected with the exchange server over fibre channel and not set up for SAN from the remote filer (neither iSCSI).



Solution so far is `snapvault restore -S dr_snapshot` and iscsi.
