ONTAP Discussions

SnapMirror with Vault Cascading


Question about a case of creating a SnapMirror(with vaults) Cascade. I believe this is by design, though I couldn't find it in the best practices guide . 



Prod --> DR (Type: Mirror-Vault)    


The DR Site has SnapMirror snapshot, and many of the Snapvault snapshots.


Then, I did a SnapMirror (Type: Mirror-Vault)   to a 3rd Site, so:




Prod --> DR (Type: Mirror-Vault)    ---> 3rd Site (Type: Mirror-Vault)




At the 3rd site, we only see the SnapMirror snapshots (2 snapshots only and it doesn't bring the snapvault snapshots from DR).


So a few questions:


1. is there a way that would bring across all in the one snapmirror relationship?

2. if i were to break A-B, then do a snapmirror update on the 3rd site, would that update and then bring the snapvault snapshots?

3. could i create a new snapmirror relationship and specify just the snapvaults to copy across from B?



I've noticed the online KB mentions to move a snapvault target, you should break A-B, then mirror B-C, then break B-C and then resync A-C.  Is this  still current with the current version of 9.9.x? 






The answers to the posed questions are listed below:

1. Yes, you have configured correctly for the most part, but are missing an important piece. The mirror-vault policy needs rules added to specify how many snapshots to move to the tertiary volume, based on snapmirror labels. Here is an example:

snapmirror policy add-rule -verserver Example1 -policy <policy name> -snapmirror-label daily - keep 25

The following link (first link) contains good information regarding this (under the headers Create Snapshot Policy on Primary Cluster and Create SnapMirror Policy on Secondary Cluster):



2. Yes, you could break the current relationship and mirror directly from A > C with a-sync mirror policy with MirrorAllSnapshots rule, but is unnecessary if you add the rules mentioned in the answer to Question 1. This KB discusses the policy types in more detail:


3. Yes, but again, that is unnecessary, as the policy modification should be enough to move the snapshots you wish.

View solution in original post



The answers to the posed questions are listed below:

1. Yes, you have configured correctly for the most part, but are missing an important piece. The mirror-vault policy needs rules added to specify how many snapshots to move to the tertiary volume, based on snapmirror labels. Here is an example:

snapmirror policy add-rule -verserver Example1 -policy <policy name> -snapmirror-label daily - keep 25

The following link (first link) contains good information regarding this (under the headers Create Snapshot Policy on Primary Cluster and Create SnapMirror Policy on Secondary Cluster):



2. Yes, you could break the current relationship and mirror directly from A > C with a-sync mirror policy with MirrorAllSnapshots rule, but is unnecessary if you add the rules mentioned in the answer to Question 1. This KB discusses the policy types in more detail:


3. Yes, but again, that is unnecessary, as the policy modification should be enough to move the snapshots you wish.
