ONTAP Discussions
ONTAP Discussions
I have a customer who for Compliance reasons has to keep all data for 7 years.
Currently they are using Snapvault to a secondary Data Center. The problem here is that the relationships often have to be recreated due to problems thus deleting all the data on the Secondary Filer.
SnapManager for SQL/Exchange are used to create the snapshots on the Primary prior to being Snapvaulted.
What would happen if the destination volumes were protected by SnapLock (in fact can this be done?) i.e. Snapvault to a Snaplock volume?
i.e. If the relationship became irratreivably broken how could it be recreated given SnapLock?
Is there a better solution for this? Note this is OnTap 7.3.x on FAS2020's and the customer won't finance a hardware upgrade!
Documentation describes “The SnapLock for SnapVault feature—secure SnapVault destination” so it is apparently supported. Also, if your customer is using SnapLock Enterprise, it is possible to destroy snaplock volume.
Agreed, but I really need to understand the technicals and I cannot seem to find them anywhere!
It is called LockVault.
Allegedly it is "a best fit for unstructured data", so not sure whether it is a good fit for your scenario.
Few links can be found on NOW (& probably more on Field Portal):
We don't have any customers who t used I but remember it was a bank request or something. Locking of snapvault target vaults. Pretty cool but didn't check to see of still supported. On 7.3 should be. Just need both snap lock and snapvault licensed.