I'm using NetApp simulator version "NetApp Release 8.1X47 7-Mode"
I need to monitor volumes as well as related snapshots and qtrees by using Data ONTAP APIs.
The general flow is
1) retrieve volume list;
2) iterate through each volume;
3) retrieve snapshot list for each volume;
4) retrieve qtree list for each volume;
Here I have a code snippet according to general flow
When I poll NetApp with timeout in 3 minutes I get error "volume is offline" sometime regardless the fact that volume is online..
I enabled Audit logging in order to see what happen on server. I noticed that error log outputs some 'xml' after snapshot-list-info command (see below) when error is occured.
Wed Dec 12 16:03:48 PST [api_mpool_06:debug]: root@[#.#.10.156]:API:http in:<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><!DOCTYPE netapp SYSTEM 'file:/etc/netapp_filer.dtd'><netapp xmlns="http://www.netapp.com/filer/admin" version="1.7" vfiler="vfiler8"><snapshot-list-info><target-name>test4_q_1</target-name><target-type>volume</target-type></snapshot-list-info></netapp>
Wed Dec 12 16:03:48 PST [api_mpool_06:debug]: NULL:API:in:API snapshot-list-info forwarded to vfiler vfiler8 for execution from filer vfiler0.
Wed Dec 12 16:03:48 PST [api_mpool_09:debug]: root@[#.#.10.156]:API:http in:<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><!DOCTYPE netapp SYSTEM 'file:/etc/netapp_filer.dtd'><netapp xmlns="http://www.netapp.com/filer/admin" version="1.7" vfiler="vfiler8"><snapshot-list-info><target-name>test4_1</target-name><target-type>volume</target-type></snapshot-list-info></netapp>
Wed Dec 12 16:03:48 PST [api_mpool_09:debug]: NULL:API:in:API snapshot-list-info forwarded to vfiler vfiler8 for execution from filer vfiler0.
Could you explain me why does OnTAP server return error and what does mean log data from audit log ?