Tomorrow we are temporarily shutting down a switchless cluster on a NetApp 2620 running OnTAP 9.3P7. Purpose is to physically remove all equipment in the way of Hurricane Michael, bring it back in a few days, and restart.
I believe the process is straightforward but would love to hear any recommendations. Here is what I plan to do:
Turn off all backup jobs.
Invoke AutoSupport.
Enter the storage failover modify -node * -auto-giveback false command.
Enter the system node halt <node> -inhibit-takeover true -skip-lif-migration-before-shutdown true command.
Once the LOADER prompt appears on both nodes, power off the system.
In particular, should I do anything special as it relates to cluster ha?
@SeanHatfield, you were super-helpful on a similar discussion a year ago. If you happen to see this and have time, I would love to hear your thoughts.