Those are all easy to do. It just takes time to validate. Nothing documented here, usually just wing it but you certainly could create sober document to satisfy
If everything is properly wired, through the switch(es) on one pdu. Verify. Power back on and wait a minute. Repeat the other side.
on one controller, pull one date cable at a time waiting maybe a minute between pulls. When done all data should be going through the other node.
plug back in and wait or force recovery. Wait 8 minutes. Repeat the other way
pull one sas controller. Wait at least one minute. Plug in. Wait at least one minute. Pull a different cable. Wait one minute. Plug in. Wait another minute. Try another cable…See the pattern. Continue
literally disconnect one controller, hot
it should automatically failover and the other node should continue. The node pulled will destage and take maybe 40 seconds to actually turn off. When the destage finishes plug it back in. It should boot and auto giveback happens in about 8 minutes