ONTAP Discussions
ONTAP Discussions
At the tail end of this successful vFiler migration (the first of 16) I noticed this in the logs of the 8.1GA destination
Permission denied, user root does not have access to route
Thu May 3 14:43:15 PDT [irt-na04:tmig.step.completed:debug]: Step: 'Unbind_Source_Vfiler' of transparent migration completed at 32815 miliseconds.
Thu May 3 14:43:15 PDT [irt-na04:tmig.step.started:debug]: Step: 'Configure_IP_Addresses' of tranparent migration started at 32815 miliseconds.
Thu May 3 14:43:15 PDT [irt-na04:kern.cli.cmd:debug]: Command line input: the command is 'ifconfig'. The full command line is 'ifconfig na04-vif0-64 alias netmask'.
Thu May 3 14:43:15 PDT [irt-na04:tmig.step.completed:debug]: Step: 'Configure_IP_Addresses' of transparent migration completed at 32828 miliseconds.
Thu May 3 14:43:15 PDT [irt-na04:tmig.step.started:debug]: Step: 'Configure_Static_Route' of tranparent migration started at 32828 miliseconds.
Thu May 3 14:43:15 PDT [irt-na04:useradmin.unauthorized.user:warning]: User 'root' denied access - missing required capability: 'cli-route'
Should I just allocate this capability to root? (why does root not have all capabilities?)
what would be the useradmin command line incantation to fix this?
Odd root doesn't have access. Cli-route is not in the useradmin user role for the administrator group?
root is listed with no groups
irt-na04> useradmin user list
Name: root
Info: Default system administrator.
Rid: 0
irt-na04> useradmin role list
Name: admin
Info: Default role for administrator privileges.
Allowed Capabilities: login-*,cli-*,api-*,security-*
Name: audit
Info: Default role for audit privileges.
Allowed Capabilities: api-snmp-get,api-snmp-get-next,api-system-api-*
Name: backup
Info: Default role for NDMP privileges.
Allowed Capabilities: login-ndmp
Name: compliance
Info: Default role for compliance privileges.
Allowed Capabilities: cli-cifs*,cli-exportfs*,cli-nfs*,cli-useradmin*,api-cifs-*,api-nfs-*,login-telnet,login-http-admin,login-rsh,login-ssh,api-system-api-*,cli-snaplock*,api-snaplock-*,api-file-*,compliance-*
Name: ndmp_role
Allowed Capabilities: login-ndmp
Name: none
Info: Default role for no privileges.
Allowed Capabilities:
Name: oracle
Allowed Capabilities: login-ssh,cli-snap*
Name: power
Info: Default role for power user privileges.
Allowed Capabilities: cli-cifs*,cli-exportfs*,cli-nfs*,cli-useradmin*,api-cifs-*,api-nfs-*,login-telnet,login-http-admin,login-rsh,login-ssh,api-system-api-*
Name: root
Info: Default role for root privileges.
Allowed Capabilities: *
Did it add the vFiler routes correctly even with this error? And updated the rc file with he vfiler run route add statements?
Looks like /etc/rc was updated correctly, but the route commands were permission denied.
Luckily we have no static routes for our vFilers - just the default route
This is feeling like a bug (which is not biting us - yet)
Agreed. Looks like a bug.
Can you verify what a proper user->group->role mapping is supposed to look like for root?
Same on my VSIM... no group for root.
fas6280> useradmin user list
Name: root
Info: Default system administrator.
Rid: 0
I just opened a P1 case since this bug cutover a vFiler with failed IP/routing and its not serving data
You can still add the routes to fix it. But looks like a data motion bug on cutover.
Let us know the Burt # when support opens it. I would create a test vFiler with routes to test with. Support may have a workaround you can try.
Sent from my iPhone 4S