ONTAP Discussions
ONTAP Discussions
I've seen reference to possible development between NetApp/VMWare of space reclamation for vmfs datastores. Here's a post linked here http://www.netapp.com/us/communities/tech-ontap/tot-vstorage-0309.html
This would be a really useful feature and i'd like to know if anyone has seen a possible release date for getting space reclamation for vmfs datastores?
Any advice gratefully received.
Thanks. Mark
NetApp FAS2050 (Ontap 7.3.4)
vCenter 4.1.0
From what I know it will work for vSphere 5 & I think you need ONTAP 8.1 (so sadly not an option on FAS2050)
Thanks for your helpful answer. This makes sense. Have you seen this info written up anywhere (release notes/etc)?
I remember seeing it would be available but didn't see when but think it had a dependency on the OnCommand host agent (but I may be wrong on that).
Ok, cheers. I'll look into vSphere 5/Ontap 8.
I stumbled across the following on VMware forums:
"What's New in vSphere 5.0:
Storage APIs - Array Integration: Thin Provisioning. Offers an ability to reclaim blocks of a thin provisioned LUN
on the array when a virtual disk is deleted."
It looks like a very similar doc is now 'officialy' available here: