ONTAP Discussions
ONTAP Discussions
I am trying to create an aggregate with 24 10TB FSAS disk drives but it gives me the following error message, any idea why?
Aggregate capacity available for volume use would be 144.1TB.
Warning: One or more disks will not be added. 24 disks specified, 21 disks will be added.
I am using raid_tec and the maxraidsize is set at 24. Please help!
Thank you very much!
Solved! See The Solution
try the same command but adding -maxraidsize 24
can you share the whole cli command you are using? Or is this via System Manager?
Can you show us the available disk in the system? It seems you don't have 24 disks available for the command/action you are using to create it.
Here you go. Thanks!
storage aggregate show-spare-disks -disk-type FSAS
Original Owner: cluster1
Spare Pool
Usable Physical
Disk Type Class RPM Checksum Size Size Status
---------------- ------ ----------- ------ -------------- -------- -------- --------
1.1.0 FSAS capacity 7200 block 8.89TB 8.91TB zeroed
1.1.1 FSAS capacity 7200 block 8.89TB 8.91TB zeroed
1.1.2 FSAS capacity 7200 block 8.89TB 8.91TB zeroed
1.1.3 FSAS capacity 7200 block 8.89TB 8.91TB zeroed
1.1.4 FSAS capacity 7200 block 8.89TB 8.91TB zeroed
1.1.5 FSAS capacity 7200 block 8.89TB 8.91TB zeroed
1.1.6 FSAS capacity 7200 block 8.89TB 8.91TB zeroed
1.1.7 FSAS capacity 7200 block 8.89TB 8.91TB zeroed
1.1.8 FSAS capacity 7200 block 8.89TB 8.91TB zeroed
1.1.9 FSAS capacity 7200 block 8.89TB 8.91TB zeroed
1.1.10 FSAS capacity 7200 block 8.89TB 8.91TB zeroed
1.1.11 FSAS capacity 7200 block 8.89TB 8.91TB zeroed
1.2.0 FSAS capacity 7200 block 8.89TB 8.91TB zeroed
1.2.1 FSAS capacity 7200 block 8.89TB 8.91TB zeroed
1.2.2 FSAS capacity 7200 block 8.89TB 8.91TB zeroed
1.2.3 FSAS capacity 7200 block 8.89TB 8.91TB zeroed
1.2.4 FSAS capacity 7200 block 8.89TB 8.91TB zeroed
1.2.5 FSAS capacity 7200 block 8.89TB 8.91TB zeroed
1.2.6 FSAS capacity 7200 block 8.89TB 8.91TB zeroed
1.2.7 FSAS capacity 7200 block 8.89TB 8.91TB zeroed
1.2.8 FSAS capacity 7200 block 8.89TB 8.91TB zeroed
1.2.9 FSAS capacity 7200 block 8.89TB 8.91TB zeroed
1.2.10 FSAS capacity 7200 block 8.89TB 8.91TB zeroed
1.2.11 FSAS capacity 7200 block 8.89TB 8.91TB zeroed
24 entries were displayed.
cluster1::> storage aggregate create aggr_sas1 -diskcount 24 -raidtype raid_tec -simulate true -node cluster1-02
The layout for aggregate "aggr_sas1" on node "cluster1-02" would be:
First Plex
RAID Group rg0, 21 disks (block checksum, raid_tec)
Usable Physical
Position Disk Type Size Size
---------- ------------------------- ---------- -------- --------
tparity 1.1.0 FSAS - -
dparity 1.2.0 FSAS - -
parity 1.1.1 FSAS - -
data 1.2.1 FSAS 8.89TB 8.91TB
data 1.1.2 FSAS 8.89TB 8.91TB
data 1.2.2 FSAS 8.89TB 8.91TB
data 1.1.3 FSAS 8.89TB 8.91TB
data 1.2.3 FSAS 8.89TB 8.91TB
data 1.1.4 FSAS 8.89TB 8.91TB
data 1.2.4 FSAS 8.89TB 8.91TB
data 1.1.5 FSAS 8.89TB 8.91TB
data 1.2.5 FSAS 8.89TB 8.91TB
data 1.1.6 FSAS 8.89TB 8.91TB
data 1.2.6 FSAS 8.89TB 8.91TB
data 1.1.7 FSAS 8.89TB 8.91TB
data 1.2.7 FSAS 8.89TB 8.91TB
data 1.1.8 FSAS 8.89TB 8.91TB
data 1.2.8 FSAS 8.89TB 8.91TB
data 1.1.9 FSAS 8.89TB 8.91TB
data 1.2.9 FSAS 8.89TB 8.91TB
data 1.1.10 FSAS 8.89TB 8.91TB
Aggregate capacity available for volume use would be 144.1TB.
Warning: One or more disks will not be added. 24 disks specified, 21 disks will be added.
try the same command but adding -maxraidsize 24
This works, does the command have a default value of 21?
"Maximum and default RAID group sizes vary according to the NetApp platform, ONTAP version, and type of RAID protection which is detailed in Hardware Universe"
You may check in the HWU website for your environment what are the default raid group sizes for each scenario.
In your case it is 21, even though I don't know your env.
Hi, William365
When creating an aggr, select 24 from the maxraidsize option and - maxraidsize 24. This is because the aggr type is raid_tec, and there are 3 verification disks and 21 available data disks in all aggr.
Add maxraidsize 24 after the command used
cluster1::> storage aggregate create aggr_sas1 -diskcount 24 -raidtype raid_tec -node cluster1-02 -maxraidsize 24 -simulate true